1    When the earth is shaken to her utmost convulsion.
2    And the earth throws up her burdens.
3    And man cries out: “What is the matter with her?”
4    On that day, will she declare her tidings.
5    For that your Lord will have given her inspiration.
6   On that day will men proceed in companies sorted out, to be shown their deeds.
7    Then shall anyone who has done an atom’s weight of good see it!
8     And anyone who has done an atom’s weight of evil shall see it.

(a)   The theme of Sura Al Zilzaal is the Day of Judgment which is also the creation of Allah. This Sura is the description of the Day when everything on this earth will end and people will be given life again (Resurrection) and they will be answerable for their deeds. The purpose of the Day of Judgment is that human beings should correct their attitude in this world according to the will of Allah.
“The world is the believer’s prison and the unbeliever’s paradise” (Hadith)
This day will provide justice to everyone.       
“On that Day, man will be like scattered moths and the mountains will be like carded  
  wool”.     [Al Qariah]

(a)            We learn many lessons from this Sura. The most important lesson is that we are answerable to Allah for every good and bad deed. In our behavior towards the rights of Allah and the other human beings, we should keep in mind that we are being watched and every single second of our life is being recorded. Therefore, we should do justice in every matter of life. We also learn that this world is not the place of real justice. We should avoid sins and we should not violate the rights of other human beings. At the same time, Allah will reward us paradise for our good deeds where there be no end of pleasures. In this world, we should work for paradise.      

“Then those whose weights (of (good deeds) will be heavy, live in bliss, and those whose weights (of bad deeds) will be light, for them it will be the blazing fire”          (Al Qarariah)


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