Showing posts from August 23, 2020
Life of the Prophet Mohammad (saw) from birth up to his Prophethood
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Prophet's life from birth to Prophethood Q Write about the life of the Prophet (saw) up until the first Revelation. [10-J-10] Q Give an account of the Prophet’s life up to the time the revelations began. [10-Nov 14-2058/11] Mohammad (saw) was born in 571 AD in Makkah in the family of Banu Hashim of the tribe of Quresh. This year was also known as the year of elephants because in this year the king of Yemen, Abraha, attacked Makkah with the intention to destroy the holy Kaaba along with an army of elephants. The holy Quran reminds this event in...
Life of Prophet Mohammad (saw) CAIE syllabus explanation Paper 1 Questions 3 and 4
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Ahsan Naqvi CAIE/Edexcel Islamiat 2. The history and importance of the Qur’an The revelation of the Qur’an to the Prophet (pbuh) between the years 610 and 632 First Revelation in Cave of Hira Q Give an account of the Prophet’s first experience of receiving revelation. [10-N-04] Q Give a brief description of Muhammad’s call to be Prophet. [8-J-99] Q Give an account of how the Quran was first revealed to the Prophet (sw). [10-J-14-2058/11] · Prophet’s character · Age 40 year 610 and signs like dreams coming true · ...
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Ahsan Naqvi CAIE/Edexcel Islamiat Major Themes of the Quran Theme 1 Allah in Himself (Tauheed) Passage 1 2:255 Ayat ul Kursi Translation 1 Choose any two of the following passages from the Qur’an, and: (a) briefly explain the main theme(s) in each passage [4] (b) briefly explain the importance of these themes in a Muslim’s life today . [4] Bismillah Arrehman Arrahim Allah, there is no god but He, the living, the self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His p...
Explanation of Ayat ul kursi paper 1 question 1 CAIE 2058
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Ahsan Naqvi CAIE/Edexcel Islamiat CAIE Paper 1 Question 1 Explanation how to solve it Paper 1 Q 1. Major themes of the Qur’an Three groups of passages are set for close study. These relate to the themes of: · God in himself · God’s relationship with the created world · God’s Messengers. Candidates should explore: • the major theme or themes of the Qur’an that appear in each passage, and • the importance of these themes in the lives of Muslims today. Candidates should study the passages in a recognised English translation , but with reference to the original Arabic text . In the examination, passages will be set in both Arabic and English. Candidates should demon...