PASSAGE 10         SURA 114    SURA AL NAS [J-11]

1        Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the mankind.
2        The King of mankind.
3        The God of mankind
4        From the mischief of the whisperer who withdraws.
5        Who whispers into the hearts of the mankind
6        Among Jinns and among mankind.

(a)    This is Sura Al Nas, the last Sura of the Quran.  Allah is the creator of human beings and to test man, Allah has also created Satan. Satan has the mission to lead human beings into hell. To achieve his goal, he is not alone. He has his partners who are jinns and human beings. Allah teaches us that whenever Satan instigates us to commit sin, we should seek the protection of Allah. When man refuses to accept his instigations, he comes back again with some new idea until he convinces a person to commit sin or goes back disappointed. The story of the creation of Satan comes in Sura Al Baqarah Ayat 34-36. Sura al Araaf Ayat 200 says:
“When Satan instigates you, seek the protection of Allah. He is the one who hears and who has knowledge”.

(b)   It is taught to the holy Prophet (saw) and all Muslims that only Allah can give us protection from Satan because Allah is ‘Rab’ the Lord. Allah is also “Malik” the King and He is “Illah” the one we worship and submit ourselves to. Satan puts evil thoughts in our mind. Though it is not easy to fight with satan, but we should try our best to avoid sins.
“We said: Go down with enmity between yourselves (man and Satan) (2:36).

The Prophet (saw) calls it Jihad e Akbar that is the biggest jihad to fight with Satan inside us.   


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