
Showing posts from March 6, 2016

Importance of Mairaj for the Prophet (sw)

Q         Explain the importance of this event (Miraj) to the Prophet (sw) himself.                                   [4-J-11] Q         How did this journey help the Prophet (sw) in his mission? [4-N-13-2058/11] The journey of Miraj was important for the prophet (sw) in many ways. He had the deepest believe in his prophethood but this journey provided him a physical proof of his claims. He saw paradise and hell and met Allah, and now he could invite people with complete confidance that he was true. The journey took place when Islam was at the peak of persecution and Mohammad (sw) was facing disappointing events. Khadija (ra) and Abu Talib had died, mission to Taif had failed and there was no progress of Islam in Makkah. In this situatio...

Event of Mairaj

Q         Give an account of the events of the Prophet’s night journey and ascension [‘Isra wa-mi’raj]. [10-J-11] [10-N-13-2058/11] ‘Glory to Him who took His servant for a journey by night from the Sacred   mosque to the Farthest mosque -------    [Sura Al Isra:1] The event of Miraj took place in CE 621. It was the time when the Prophet’s wife Khadija (ra) and uncle, Abu Talib had died, visit to Taif had failed and the persecution of Makkans was on peak. One night the Prophet (sw) was awoken by Jabrail (as), and from Makkah (Masjid al Haram), he was taken to Jerusalem (Masjid Al Aqsa) on a white horse-like winged creature (Burraq) who could run extremely fast. There he met the prophets who came before him. He also led the prayer of these prophets. This is a clear indication that Mohammad (sw) is the leader of all prophets and he is also the last prophet of Allah. This event is called ‘Isra’. From Jerusalem, he ...

Visit to Taif

Q         Write brief accounts of the following two incidents in the life of the Prophet (SAW). (i)        his attempt to preach to the people of al Taif.            (ii)       his conquest of Makkah.                                       [5+5-J-05] Q         Describe the events of the Prophet’s visit to Taif.      [10-Nov 14-2058/11]                                            ...

Reasons to pursue Muslims

Q   Why did the people of Makkah pursue these Muslims?  [4-J-09] The main purpose of this chase was to catch Muslims and bring them back to Makkah. For this purpose, they tried to convince Nagus. They instigated him that the Prophet was against the beliefs of Christians. Once the Muslims had been in their control, they could have killed them or punish them severely. Makkans chased them because they were afraid that the reality and the truth of Islam should not reach a foreign land which could give Muslims a lot of strength. They were right because in near future, Nagus accepted Islam and died as a good Muslim. Along with him, the population also converted to Islam. By this action, they could show their power to the Prophet (saw) in order to divert him fom his mission and covert the Muslims to paganism again. It was not easy for an ordinary man to be steadfast in his mission in a situation like Makkah but it was Allah who gave him strength. Allah also gave st...

Importance of migration to Abbysinia

Q         What was the importance of making this migration at that time? [4-J-12] Q         What was the significance of this migration for the early Muslim community?                                     [4-N-13-2058/11] The migration to Abbysinia was the first political move of the Prophet (sw). The migration shows that the Prophet (sw) assessed Najashi very correctly. It also shows that he was directly under the guidance of Allah who probably gave the Prophet the message that Muslims would be safe in Abbyssinia. This migration saved Muslims from persecution             . They lived peacefully and established their business there. They were also free to pray and practice Islam...

Migration to Abbysinia

Q         Write an account of the first migration (Hijra) of the Muslims to Abbyssinia.                                       [10-J-09] Q         Describe the main events relating to the first migration ( hijrah ) of Muslims to Abyssinia.                 [10-J-12] Q         Write an account of the migration of the early Muslims to Abyssinia. [10-N-13-2058/11] The migration to Abbysinia took place in 615, five years after the first Revelation. After three years of the first Revelation, open preaching of Islam started and the persection of Muslims also started which increased day by day. In the first stage, the pe...