PASSAGE 8           SURA 96:1-5          SURA AL ALAQ
1        Read! In the name of your Lord who created,
2        Created man out of a clot of congealed blood:
3        Proclaim! And your Lord is most bountiful,
4        He who taught by the pen
5        Taught man what he did not know.                           

(a)             These are the first five Ayaat of Sura Al Alaq revealed in the cave of Hira in 610 and this was the beginning of the prophethood of Mohammad (saw). Sura Al Qadr says:
“Indeed We have revealed this (Quran) in the Night of Power”.
These Ayat present some important themes. The creation of man starts from an ordinary thing like a clot of congealed blood but in the state of maturity, he becomes a marvel of God. The word 'Iqra', ‘Read’ shows the importance of knowledge in Islam. Allah also reminds human beings that knowledge is the blessing of Allah and the skill of writing is also a blessing of Allah. Due to writing, we can preserve our knowledge and transfer it. The holy Quran is complete knowledge and the Prophet (sw) brought it in writing.

(b)   Sura Al Baqarah, Ayat 21 says:
“O people! Adore your Guardian-Lord who created you and those
  who came before you”.             [Al Baqarah-21]
This Sura is important for today’s Muslim. We should always remember that our existence is only due to the mercy of Allah. We should never be arrogant of our wealth, status or any other blessing of Allah. In every matter of life, we should be grateful to Allah. Knowledge of Quran, Islam and the worldly knowledge is also a great blessing of Allah. We should be thankful to Allah who has taught us the writing skill. We are different from other species due to the skill of writing. Quran and Hadith were also preserved due to writing. Mankind has progressed in science and technology due to writing skill. Therefore, we should be thankful to Allah in every matter of life. 


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