Hadith 1

Paper 2  Q 1:
Choose any two of the following Hadith, and:
(a)  describe their teachings about what Muslims believe   [4]
(b)  explain how Muslims can put these teachings into action. [4]

‘Religion is sincerity’. We said: ‘To whom?’ The Prophet said: ‘To Allah, His Book, His Messenger, the leaders of the Muslims and to their common people.’                   

(a)      This is a very comprehensive Hadith on the responsibilities of a Muslim. Sincerity towards Allah means that we should believe in the oneness of Allah, avoid Shirk and follow His way (Siraat e Mustaqeem). Sincerity towards the holy Quran means to understand the Quran and apply it to our life sincerely. Sincerity towards the Prophet (saw) is to adopt his practices (Sunnah) in our life. Sincerity towards the leaders of the Muslims is to avoid breaking law and order and strengthen the society. Only if the rulers are against Islam, we have a right to correct them. Sincerity towards common people is to serve the humanity which starts from family and goes up to a stranger in the street.  

(b)      Sincerity towards Allah is to believe in Him and follow His way.  The holy Prophet (saw) says:
‘Say I believe in Allah and remain steadfast to it’.
About the holy Quran, the Prophet (sw) says:
‘The best among you is the one who learns and teaches the Quran’.
Without following the Prophet (sw), we cannot follow the Book of Allah. Allah says:
“And obey Allah and His Messenger”. (8:46).
The holy Quran asks us to follow the Prophet (saw) and those who are in power (Ulul Amr) because Islam wants to see a peaceful society instead of chaos and panic. The four pious Caliphs were the best examples of the leaders of the Muslims. However if the rulers are against Islam, a struggle is important to correct them. Sincerity towards common people is a very vast concept. From parents to everyone in society, good behaviour is a part of Islamic life. The Prophet (sw) says:
“The best among people is the one who is a source of benefit to the people”. 


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