Hadith 2

None of you believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself.         
(a)            This Hadith teaches sincerity towards other Muslims. No one likes that others should hurt him, therefore we should not hurt others. For example no one likes that he should be insulted, therefore he should not insult others. This Hadith teaches brotherhood in the Muslim community. Besides that this Hadith also encourages us to financially help people. We enjoy life because Allah has given us prosperity; therefore we should be caring about the other Muslims too.

(b)      The Prophet (saw) always applied this teaching in his own life. He never abused or beat anyone and he never used sarcastic language. In his last sermon he said:
“Don’t hurt others, so you should not be hurt”.
He spent his life in a very simple way. In the battle of Trench, he was also starving like many other Muslims. In a Hadith he says:
"Muslims are like a building. Every part strengthens the other".
Therefore Muslims should also try to avoid hurting other Muslims. We should not do whatever we do not like for ourselves. The Prophet (saw) says:
"A Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hand other Muslims are safe". 


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  3. Thanks my teacher appreciated me when i wrote this

  4. thanks a lot it really helped :))


  5. very nice collections of quotes. Thank you and JazkaAllah Khair
    4th Kalma Tauheed With Urdu Translation.

  6. Nice 👍🏻 👌🏻
    Very very helpful

  7. may Allah bless you for being a beacon of hope in the stressful times of exams

  8. Thank you very much, this helped me alot


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