Hadith 3

Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day either speak good or keep silent, and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his neighbour, and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his guest.              

(a)      This Hadith teaches Muslims three golden principles. First is to prefer silence over gossip. The second is to help neighbours and the third is to be generous to the guests.
If we look around, we find that most of the conflicts take place because of our careless use of language. Without thinking, we hurt the feelings of others. As a result, relations break down and sometimes sad events take place. A Muslim is advised to think before he speaks and he should always speak for the good of people. Neighbours are our brothers and sisters. If they have a problem, we should try to solve it. Most of the time neighbours need financial help, therefore we should always be ready to share their joys and sorrows and must not bother them.
A guest gives us honour and respect when he visits us. In response, we should also give respect to the guest. We should be polite and hospitable towards our guests and should not say anything which hurts his self-respect.

(b)      A companion asked the Prophet (saw) what thing is most dangerous for me. The Prophet (saw) held his tongue and said "This"'. The Prophet (saw) never taunted or insulted or even embarrassed any one. At the same time he was not in a habit of speaking too much. The prophet (saw) says:
"And when you say something, say what is just even if you are talking about your brother".

Sura al Maun's last Ayat says that it is hypocrisy to be careless about the needs of the neighbours. The Prophet (saw) went to see the sick woman in his neighbourhood in Makkah who used to throw garbage on his way. The Prophet (saw) says in a Hadith that you will become a real Muslim (Momin) if you behave with your neighbour nicely. Therefore we should be careful that we should not bother neighbours and help them as much as possible. The Prophet (saw) always paid attention to his guests. He welcomed them with Salam and during meal he insisted the guest to eat more. We should not discriminate between poor or rich guests or people of high or low position. Every guest is equally respectable. 


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