Wives of the Prophet other than Khadija (ra) and Aisha (ra)



O Levels Islamic Studies by Ahsan Naqvi

Component 4   Paper 1   Questions 4 and 5

First Islamic Community

The Prophet’s Wives


Important: for detailed answers, also see my blog: ahsan-naqvi.blogspot.com

For 10 marks and 4 marks answers, adjust the length of your answer according to the space provided in the answer book.

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Sawdah Bint Zamaah (ra)

Prophet married her after the death of Khadija/ widow of Sakran/ couple were early convert/ went to Abyssinia where Sakran died/ she came back to Makkah but alone in her family/ Prophet wanted to marry because of daughters/ marriage took place in Makkah/ in 622 went to Madina/ sacrificed her turn for Aisha (ra)/ very pious lady/ very generous/ never left house after Prophet’s death. Narrated 5 ahadith/ Passed away in the Caliphate of Omar in 22nd Hijra


Hafsa (ra) Binte Umer bin Al Khattab

Married to Khunais/ early converted couple/ went to Abyssinia/ returned to Madina/ Khunais was martyred in Badr/ no children/ Prophet wanted to make ties strong with the tribe of Umer (ra)/ desired to marry hafsa (ra)/ married in 624/ very intelligent/ knowledge of religion was good/ Prophet himself trained her in religion/ more than 60 traditions were narrated by her/ She kept the original Quran compiled by Abu Bakr (ra)/ she gave this original Book to Uthman (ra) for further copies/ died in 45 AH


Zainab (ra) Binte Khuzaimah

Wife of Abdullah bin Jahsh/ Abdullah martyred in Uhad/ marriage took place in 626/ after 3 months, she passed away/ very generous/ title  the mother of poor/ courteous


Umme Salamah (ra) binte Ali Umayah

Belonged to a rich family/ married to Abdullah bin Asad/ had a son Salamah/ couple was early convert/ went to Abyssinia/ came back Makkah/ went to Madina/ husband was martyred in Uhad/  in 4 AH Prophet married her/ died in 63 AH age 84/ very learned lady/ narrated 370 traditions/ nice recitation of Quran


Zainab binte Jahash

She was the first cousin of the Prophet (saw). She married to the freed slave of the Prophet (saw), Zaid bin Haris but the marriage could not continue and ended in divorce. She died in 641. She was known for her piety and generosity. The prophet (saw) had predicted that the one with long hand (generous) would meet him first in paradise. She was the first wife of the Prophet (saw) who died after his death.   

Jawairiyah (ra) binte Harith

She became a captive in the battle of Mustaliq. She was the daughter of the the chief of the tribe Banu Mustaliq. Due to her honourable family, the Prophet (saw) married her on her desire. Due to this marriage, six hundred people of this tribe were freed. Her name was Barra but the Prophet (saw) changed her name to Jawairiyah. She was known for her piety. She has narrated many Ahadith. 


Ume Habiba (ra) or Ramlah Binte Abi Sufyan

Her real name was Ramlah.She was the daughter of Abu Sufyan and the sister of Ameer Muawiyah (ra). She married to Ubaidullah bin Jahsh. She had a daughter whose name was Habibah, therefore she was called Ume habibah (Habiba's mother). Along with her husband, she migrated to Abyssinia. Her huband became Christian, therefore she left him and came to Madina. She married to the Prophet in Madina. She died in the caliphate of Ameer Muawiyah. She has narrated sixty-five Ahadith. She tried to help Uthman (ra) when the rebels stopped water supply to his house. Agaist the bitter opposition of her father, she stood firmly on her faith. She migrated twice for Islam. She was a pious and generous lady.


Safiyah (ra) binte Akhtab

Her real name was Zainab. She was the daughter of the chidf of the Jewish tribe Banu Nazir. She was married two times to Jews. After the conquest of Khyber, the Prophet (saw) married her. The name safiyah was given by the Prophet (saw). She died at the age of sixty. Like Ume Habibah (ra), she also tried to get the food and water into the house of Uthman (ra), but she was stopped by the rebels. She was known for her depth of knowledge and generosity.


Maimunah (ra) binte Harith

Her real name was Barra. She was from Quresh. In Makkah, she married two times. After the death of the second husband, the prophet (saw) married her in 629. The name Maimunah (the blessed one) was given by the Prophet (saw). She died in 672. She has narrated forty six Ahadith. The Prophet (saw) called her "A symbol of goodness". She was known for her piety and generosity towards her family.  

Rehana (ra) binte Zaid

She was from the Jewish tribe of Banu Quraizah. She married to the Prophet (saw) in 628. She was freed by the Prophet. She accepted Islam and the Prophet (saw) married her. She died in 642. 

Mariah Qibtiyah (ra)

Mariah Qibtiyah was sent by the Egyptian king as a present to the Prophet (saw) in 629. She became Muslim and the Prophet (saw) married her. She gave birth to the Prophet's son Ibrahim but he died in infancy.


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