IGCSE Edexcel Syllabus component 1.5


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O Levels Islamic Studies by Ahsan Naqvi

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Application:            IGCSE Edexcel Board

Syllabus code 4 IS 1

Syllabus Component:       1.5 

Section A                               

Question part: D

Marks: 12   

Sura Al Ahzaab  33:36 


It is not for a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter, that they should [thereafter] have any choice about their affair. A whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly strayed into clear error.


This Ayat of Sura Al Ahzaab teaches us that to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad (saw) is as important for a Muslim as to follow the holy Quran. The Ayat was revealed in the background of an event. Zaid bin Haris was the slave of the Prophet but he had freed him and he was not the slave any longer. Zainab bint Jahash was the first cousin of the Prophet. She belonged to bani Hashim and had a high status in society. In order to eliminate class difference, the prophet wanted to marry Zaid with Zainab. Zainab and her family refused this idea but Allah had another scheme in His plan. Therefore this Ayat was revealed which declared clearly that when allah and His Prophet decides something, A Muslim loses his own choice and he must obey Allah and the Prophet, Therefore Zainab surrendered and the marriage took place but it could not survive and the Prophet married Zainab, the wife of his slave.

This Ayat is a clear declaration that it is obligatory for every Muslim man or woman to obey Allah and His Prophet. Allah says in Sura Ale Imran:

            “Say:’Obey Allah and His Messenger’ but if they turn back Allah does not

              love those who reject faith.”

This principle is connected to every matter of life. When Shariah has decided a matter, there is no choice left to violate that law. For example, when Shariah has decided to involve in gambling, it is decided that any kind of gambling is unlawful. Therefore this Ayat is very important because it forms a fundamental law of Islamic Shariah.

As it is said in the above quote of Sura Ale Imran that going agains the will of Allah and the Prophet is equal to rejecting Faith which is a very serious offence. In this Ayat too, Allah calls it “Strayed into clear error”. Therefore we learn that we must not go against Allah and His Prophet because it is a grave sin. However, we are human beings. We can make mistakes but Allah has kept the doors of repentance open for us. We should ask repentance (Taubah) to Allah and Allah is Merciful and kind.


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