O Levels Islamic Studies by Ahsan Naqvi

Component 4   Paper 1   Questions 4 and 5

First Islamic Community

The Prophet’s Wives


Important: for detailed answers, also see my blog: ahsan-naqvi.blogspot.com

For 10 marks and 4 marks answers, adjust the length of your answer according to the space provided in the answer book.

This video is applicable to CAIE, EDEXCEL and all other boards.


                                                    Aisha (ra)

·        Daughter of Abu bakr (ra).

·        Her parents were Muslim before her birth.

·        She was born as Muslim.

·        Prophet was shown in his dream that he is to marry Aisha (ra) and it was the cause of this marriage.

·        Nikah took place in Makkah but marriage (Rukhsati) took place in Madina. She spent ten years with the Prophet.


Services to Islam

·        She lived with the Prophet from the very first year in Madina up to his death. Therefore she was the witness to every event of Madina.

·        She was young and the memory of young age is very strong.

·        She was very intelligent and had remarkable memory.

·        She was very well learned lady and had expertise in the history of Arabia and had excellence in poetry.

·        Her marriage took place because of the command from Allah.

·        Her parents and her father had the honour of the closest people to the Prophet.

·        Once she was blamed by the hypocrites but her being a lady of pious character was clarified by Allah. She was honoured of being forgiven and to be given great honours in the Quran.

·        Prophet spent his last days in her room and died in that place. He was buried in the same room.

·        She has narrated more than 250 authentic Ahadith

·        She died at the age of 73. Until that time she spread knowledge of Islam. Even the most learned companions used to take her advice in difficult matters.



·        Aisha (ra) said: Once the Prophet said to Aisha that Jbrail (as) is saying his Salam to you and what we could not see, the Prophet would see. (Bukhari and Muslim)

·        The Prophet said: Among all women, the importance of Aisha is such as the importance of Sareed (a delicious popular dish of Arabia) over other dishes. (Bukhari and Muslim)





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