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Application:                                    Edexcel Syllabus code 4 IS 1

Syllabus Component:       Section A     1.1      Personal Aspects of the Prophet’s life

Question part:                   D

Marks and content:          12       Quran Passage Sura Al Tehreem  66:1-3

These three Ayaat discuss two domestic events which took place in the house of the prophet Mohammad (saw). One event took place when Zainab daughter of Jahash, one of the wives of the Prophet presented to the Prophet a drink of honey. Prophet (saw0 loved honey. He stayed in the house of Zainab for a little longer than his routine. The net day the same thing happened. Some of the wives of the Prophet did not like it. They knew that it was because of honey drink. Aisha (ra0, Hafsa (ra) and two other wives thought of a scheme. They decided that when the Prophet comes to their houses, they they would give the same statement that he has a bad smell coming out of his mouth because the bees must have sucked from a flower called Maghafeer which naturally had a bad smell. When the prophet came from Zainab’s place, all the wives said that we smell something bad from your mouth. The Prophet said I only drank honey at Zainab’s house. They said it was not your fault. It was because of Maghafeer. Since the Prophet hated bad smells, he decided not to use honey ever in his life or in other words, he made itHaraam for him.

Prophet (saw) is the guidance for the Muslims until the Day of Judgment. If he had made honey unlawful, it would have become Haraam for Muslims forever. For this reason, these two Ayaat were revealed. Ayat 1 teaches us that only Allah has the right to make anything lawful or unlawful. However, if we make a mistake, Allah forgives us if we repent and Allah is always merciful towards human beings.

“And Allah has revealed to you the Book (Quran) and wisdom (Sunnah) and taught you what you did not know and Allah is very Merciful to you” (Al Nisa 113)

Ayat 2 teaches us that if take an oath (Qasam) seriously not to do something, we will have to pay compensation to come out of it.

Ayat 3 tells us about another event. The prophet told one of his wives something and instructed her to keep it a secret. Due to human weakness, she disclosed it to another wife. Allah told the Prophet that your wife has disclosed your secret to the other one. The Prophet disclosed a part and hid the other part to the same wife. She was surprised who told him this secret. The Prophet said it is Allah who has the full knowledge of every secret and who is fully aware of what we hide and what we disclose.

Ayat 3 teaches us that when someone tell us their secret to us, we should keep and protect that secret.



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