Hadith 1 CAIE Paper 2 Question 1


Major Teachings in the Hadith of the Prophet (saw)

·        20 Ahadith related to

1                   Individual conduct

2                   Life in the community

Arabic text and the translation of the Hadith will be provided in the exam.

Q         choose any two of the following Hadith, and:

(a)        Describe their teachings about what Muslims believe               [4]

(b)       Explain how Muslims can put these teachings into action.       [4]

In the explanation of each Hadith, it will be mentioned which category the Hadith belongs to.

Hadith 1        Individual conduct


‘Religion is sincerity’. We said: ‘To whom?’ The Prophet said: ‘To Allah, His Book, His Messenger, the leaders of the Muslims and to their common people’.




·        This hadith deals with the individual conduct of a Muslim

·        Comprehensive Hadith

·        Deals with the responsibilities of a Muslim

·        Responsibility towards Allah is to believe in one allah, avoid Shirk and follow His way. This is Siraat e Mustaqeem

Hadith: say I believe in Allah and remain steadfast to it.

·        To understand Quran, apply its teachings in  daily life and pass on its message to others

Hadith: The best among you is the one who lears and teaches Quran

·        To apply the teachings of the holy Prophet in our daily life

‘And obey Allah and His messenger’   8:46

·        Towards rulers means to maintain law and order in society. However if the ruler goes against the teachings of Islam, we have a right to protest

·        To serve humanity starting from our own family up to anyone in the world



·        In every matter of life, we should depend on Allah

·        We should Devote some of our time to the understanding of Quran. Even if we have little knowledge of Quran’ yet we should give its message to others.

·        We should try to adopt Sunnah in every matter of life. We should remember the prayers taught by the Prophet for different occasions

·        We should obey rulers and follow law and order. We should not create problems for the rulers because a peaceful society is in the benefit of everyone. However if  the rulers go against Islamic teachings, people have right to protest

·        We should respect our parents and family members. Beyond this, we should take care of relatives, family members, neighbors and every human being


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