Hadith on justice; Edexcel; 1.6


My Youtube address                     O levels Islamic Studies by Ahsan Naqvi

My blog address                             ahsan-naqvi.blogspot.com

Syllabus Board                                Edexcel Islamic Studies

Syllabus Component                     Section        A/ 1.6    part D

Main Topic                                       Teachings and examples of the Prophet on specific issues of

                                                          justice and equality

Sub-topic                                          Hadith


Important note:

While you are watching this video, please keep the text of the translation in front of you


The dispensers of justice will be seated on the pulpits of light beside God, on the right side of the Merciful, Exalted and Glorious. Either side of the being is the right side both being equally meritorious. (The dispensers of justice are) those who do justice in their rules, in matters relating to their families and in all that they undertake to do.


·        The main idea of this Hadith is to show the importance of justice in the sight of Allah

·        Comprehensive Hadith

·        Most important aspect of human life

·        The system of the universe is created on justice

·        All problems of this world are only because of injustice

·        Every person is responsible to do justice

·        Rulers are responsible for their subjects

·        Parents and elders are responsible to do justice in families

·        Everyone is responsible of justice for those working under their supervision

·        Allah will honour all those who did justice in this worldly life

·        ‘Pulpits of light’ is an ambiguous term which is called Muta sha bihaat meaning that only Allah knows the real meaning of this term

·        ‘Every side is the right side’ is also an ambiguous term.

·        Right side of Allah shows the honour that will be given by Allah

·        Therefore it is very important for us to do justice to everyone we are dealing with. Whatever the nature of our duty or responsibility is.

·        When a case of theft came to the Prophet, he ordered to cut the hand of the woman. When some people said she belonged to a high family of Makkah, the Prophet said: Even if my daughter Fatima were involved in this case, I would have cut her hand.

·                    “O Prophet, decide (the disputes and matters) of people according to the guidance and law given by Allah” [Al Maida 49]



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