Compilation of Hadith after the death of the Prophet (saw) Video 2


My Youtube address                     O levels  Islamic Studies by Ahsan Naqvi

My blog address                   

Syllabus Board                                CAIE, Edexcel, IGCSE, GCE and other boards

Syllabus Component                     CAIE Paper 2; Question 2

Main Topic                                       The History and Importance of Hadith                                   

Sub-topic                                          The History of the compilation of Hadith


Compilation during the time of companions,

Tabaee(followers), Tabatabaee(followers of the followers)

Video 2

After the death of the Prophet (saw) companions needed Sunnah and Hadith due to the following reasons:

1.     Since the guidance of the Prophet had lost, they used to ask each other if the Prophet had given any guidance in the concerned matter.

2.     They wanted to adopt Sunnah but the knowledge of Sunnah to every companion was insufficient because the Prophet was not with everyone everytime. Sometimes he was with one companion or two or many or in some cases with thousands of them.

3.     The Islamic Empire was expanding. Until the time of Umar’s caliphate, the Empire had epanded to millions of square miles. The conquered territories brought new cultures and religions. Most of the people of conquered lands became Muslim. There was a clash of civilizations which required solution according to Shariah. Then there were non-Muslims living in a Muslim state. They had their own problems. For this reason, there was need to know about what Prophet said or did in a particular matter.

4.     Due to Jihad, the companions spread in far off lands and they also spread Hadith.


·     For these reasons, the Hadith spread fast among companions.

·     During this time the first generation who had not met the Prophet (tabaee) started working and collecting Ahadith.

·     The collections of Hadith were many; for example, collections of Abdullah bin Umar, Abu Huraira, Aisha, Jabir bin Abdullah and anas bin Malik.


·     This work continued in the third generation(taba tabaee).

·     Large gatherings of people used to take place in which Ahadith were narrated by a companion or a Tabaee.

·     Thousands of people remembered every word of Hadith.

·     This age was the compilation of many books.  

·     Some prominent compilars were Imam Malik who wrote Muatta, Imam Abu Hanifa wrote Kitab ul Athar, similarly Imam Al Thauri, Imam Yousuf and Imam Ibn Hanbal also wrote their books.



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