Achievements of Abu Bakr as Caliph Video 3




Abu Bakr (ra)

1st Caliph

Video 3





Abu Bakr (ra)-1st Caliph

Video 3

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O levels  Islamic Studies by Ahsan Naqvi

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Syllabus Board      

CAIE;  Edexcel; all other boards teaching Islamic Studies

Syllabus Component  

CAIE Islamiat 2058; Paper 2; component 3

Main Topic:         

The period of rule of the Rightly Guided Caliphs and their importance as leaders


The main events of the rules of the four caliphs

Topic of this video      

Abu Bakr (ra)

Video number        3

Caliphate of Abu Bakr (ra)    632-634 AC ; 11-13 AH


Zakaat Refusal

Ø   Some of the tribes refused to pay Zakat because they thought it was a Burden.

Ø   These tribes included Banu Asad, Banu Ghatfan and Banu Abbas

Ø   They sent delegation to Abu bakr (ra) asking him to remove Zakat.

Ø   Abu Bakr (ra) declared that Zakat is a worship made obligatory by Allah and the prophet.

Ø   Even if a small rope is due on them as zakat, I will fight for that.

Ø   Since these tribes were paying Zakat in the Prophet’s lifetime, there was no reason to stop it.

Ø   These tribes decided to attack Madina.

Ø   Since the army was out on Syrian epedition, Abu bakr himself attacked along with the army in Madina.

Ø   Many tribesmen were killed

Ø   They repented and started paying Zakat

Ø   This victory made the rule of abu bakr (ra) very strong in Arabia


Apostasy Movement (Rida wars)

Ø   There were some chiefs of the tribes who did not like the restrictions imposed by Islam.

Ø   They became non-Muslim and refused to obey Islamic government.

Ø   Among them were the chiefs of Behrain, Oman and Kunda.

Ø   Abu Bakr (ra) divided the army in 11 groups and selected experienced commanders

Ø   These armies were instruced to invite people to islam and then fight.

Ø   Some of them submitted but some fought but they were defeated

Compilation of Quran

Ø   In the Battle of Yamama more than seventy Muslims who had the Quran in their memory were martyred.

Ø   Omar (ra) advised the Caliph to bring the Quran in the book form in order to save it forever. First Abu bakr (ra) hesitated but then agreed

Ø   All written work of the time of the Prophet was collected from the companions

Ø   Zaid Bin Thabit (ra) was given this task who wrote it.

Ø   This was the first authentic Quran in the book form.

Q   Why was Abu Bakr (ra) given the title ‘Saviour of Islam’?


Saviour of Islam       

Ø   He established the weak Islamic Empire and gave stability and strength to it.

Ø   He established principles and did not compromise on political interests.

Ø   By sending the army of Usama (ra) and the collection of Zakat, he established that the decisions of the Prophet (saw) can not be changed.

Ø   Fighting with the false prophets, he proved that Prophet Muhammad (saw) is the seal of the prophets.

Ø   He also saved the holy Quran forever. His decisions made all Arab tribes united and this force conquered Persian and Byzantine Empires and made Islam an international religion.







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