Q         Explain how the declaration of faith (shahada) is acted upon through the remaining four pillars of Islam. [4-N-12]

Declaration of Faith or Shahada is the fundamental of Islamic Faith. It is demonstrated in all four pillars of Islam. In the prayers or salat it is demonstrated in many places. Azaan itself is the declaration of Shahada. During prayers we repeat this declaration saying Allah Akbar. In Saum or fasting, we do not eat or dring anything though we are alone. This is the result of Shahada and fear of Allah.

In Zakaat, we pay a certain amount only due to the fear of God. Besides that we help humanity only because of the belief in one Allah. For Hajj, we spend huge amount of money and travel a long way. There is no worldly gain behind this difficulty. However millions of Muslims perform Hajj only for the sake of Allah. They recite in Hajj: “O Allah, I am in your service.There is no partner of Yours.” which is also a demonstration of Tauheed


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