Q         Briefly explain why Allah revealed different books from time to time.                                                                [4-N-11]
Allah created man and spread the mankind on this earth with the purpose that they should obey Allah. The earth for the human kind is a testing ground and all human beings die after the completion of a fixed time of their life. In the beginning of humanity, there was the worship of one Allah and there was no shirk but gradually Satan put the human beings on to his path and involved them in shirk and other sins. Now it became important that they should be guided to the right path. For this purpose, Allah appointed prophets among them who taught them the right path.

When humanity further developed and formed into nations, it became important to give them a certain law regarding the pattern of life they should have on the earth. For this purpose, Allah gave His books to mankind through His prophets. The initial books were the scriptures given to prophets and Ibrahim (as) was the one who received most scriptures. Musa (as) was given the proper law known as Tauraat. Later Zuboor was given to Dawood (as) for further guidance. Essa (as) was given Injeel in order to point out the weaknesses of Jews but the social laws remained same.

After six hundred years, the holy Quran was reveled to Mohammad (sw). The holy Quran is the last Book of Allah which is complete in every aspect and its teachings are applicable to every society and culture and every period of time. Now it is obligatory for the humanity to follow the way of the Quran. Since Quran is the solution to every problem of humanity, there is no need for any other guidance.


  1. Cool answer, I hope u rnt cheating again amal

  2. Wait, I take that back... This answer is incomplete... What about the importance?

  3. @forever geek 123 the answer is complete

  4. Very helpful and to the point

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I think that the answer might be more attractive and cool by adding some relevant references to it

  7. Marvelous! This is the main Answer and the description understanding the importance to me, Well done Ahsan Naqvi!
    Mola Salamat rakhien

  8. The comment have been removed by the author

  9. completely wrong and not relevent
    read the question and understanad it


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