Belief in the Prophets   -   Rusul & Nabi

Q         Outline the most important features of the Quran teachings about prophethood.                      [4-N-03][4-N-05][4-J-04]
Q         What are the main features of the belief in the line of messengers (Rusul) who were sent before the time of the Prophet Mohammad (saw)?    
Q         Write about Muslim belief in prophets.                         [10-J-09]
Q         Give a full account of the Muslim belief in prophets.             [10-N-11]
Q         Give an account of Muslim belief in the following:
(i) angels; and   (ii) prophets.                                                       [10-N-12-paper 21]
Q         Give an account of Muslim belief in prophets and the messages they
preached.                              [10-N-13-2058/22]

A H S A N   N A Q V IProphets or the Messengers of Allah were all chosen by Allah. They were all human beings who were sent to particular nations and communities. They belonged to the best families of their communities and their character as individual was excellent. The first prophet on earth was Adam (as). After him many prophets came. According to a Hadith, more than 124000 prophets came to different nations. Among them the most prominent prophets are Adam, Nuh, Idrees, Ismael, Yaqoob and Yousuf (as). Mohammad (sw) is the last prophet of Allah and with him the religion of Islam is complete.
“For We send our messengers only to give good news to the righteous
  people and to warn the evil doers” [Al Anaam 48]

Prophets were the people who were the means of communication between Allah and human beings. If we do not believe in prophets and their teachings, obviously we will not believe in Allah. Some of the prophets were given the scriptures and the Books. Ibrahim (as) who was given scriptures (Suhoof), Musa (as) who was given Tawrat, Dawood (as) who was given Zuboor and Isa (as) was given Injeel.

Quran has given the names of about twenty six prophets. All the Prophets gave the same message. It was to believe that there is no god but Allah and He has no partner.  Belief in the Resurrection and the Day of Judgment in order to correct attitude according to the will of Allah and belief in the Prophets as they had no personal interest in giving the message of Islam. However the social laws and worships varied according to the needs of the nations. The worships like prayers, fasting and Zakaat were obligatory acts. Respect of all human beings was also obligatory.

All the messengers are equal in status and we should not distinguish between them in respect. However we believe that Mohammad (sw) has the highest staus because on the journey of Mairaaj, he led the prayer of all prophets.                                
“And they say: we do not discriminate against any of His messengers”.

[Al Baqarah 285] 


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It’s good but more detail is require


    1. Do some questions by your self also

    2. Is it juz me or is everyone finding these answers for this years batch?

  4. arent you think its to short for 100 marks question

  5. It’s good but too short for 10 Mark answer more detail required

  6. It’s good but too short for 10 Mark Answer

  7. It’s good but too short for 10 Mark Answer

    1. Is too short for 10 mark question

    2. It is indeed short, a bit more detail would b rlly helpful

  8. I want the answer of this question : Belief in the prophets and revealed books is essential to Islam. Write an account of these two articles of faith. [10]


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