Q         Write about the experiences of the two prophets you have studied in the
Quran (not including the Prophet Mohammad (sw)). [10-N-13-2058/11]

Ibrahim (as) was sent about 2500 years before Mohammad (saw). He was given a very high place as prophet by Allah. From him, two major races emerged; Bani Israel and Bani Ismail. The passage shows that he was a strong believer in oneness of Allah and he never committed Shirk. We also come to know that he used his common sense in order to recognize Allah and ultimately he concluded that Allah is Al Mighty and All Powerful. We also see the same signs around us but we do not think.
So also did we show Abraham the power and the laws of the heavens
and the earth, so that he might have certainty. [6:75]

We also learn that when Ibrahim (as) came to his final decision that everything in this universe is controlled by Allah, he declared it clearly to his people that he was ready to worship anything but one Allah. From the holy Quran, we learn that he had to go through punishment. He was thrown into the fire which converted to a garden but he had to leave his country. For this sacrifice and his other sacrifices, he has a very high place among prophets. Allah helps those who are the true believers.
'For me, I have set my face firmly and truly towards Him who created
 the heavens and the earth, and never shall I give partners to Allah’. [6:79]

The second important prophet is Essa (as) who came just before Mohammad (saw). The passage tells us that it is a dialogue between Allah and Essa (as) which will take place on the Day of Judgment. Allah will ask him in front of everyone whether the miracles were given by Allah or they took place because Essa (as) was the son of God? The answer will be simple. Essa (as) will say that he is free from all shirk his followers commited. The passage tells us many important facts.
“Then will Allah say: ‘Jesus, son of Mary! Recount My favour to you and
   to your mother”.    [5:110]

Allah helps those who follow his way. When Jews decided to kill Jesus, Allah saved him and took him to heavens. We also learn that Allah gave his miracles to his prophets but stubborn and obstinate did not believe or they rejected the prophets for their selfishness. Allah calls Jesus, ‘The son of Mary’ and not His son. It shows that Allah has no son and prophets were nothing but human beings chosen by Allah for His mission. We also learn that Allah gave His prophets books and scriptures in order to guide them and their nations. The prophets also went through persecution and their nations made fun of their teachings.
‘When you showed them the clear signs,  and the unbelievers among
  them said: “This is nothing but evident magic”.

All the passages about the prophets show us a few common factors. One is that all prophets gave the same message that is the message of tauheed, the message of the Day of the Day of judgment and the message of their prophethood.          We also see that all prophets had to go through difficulties and persection in the way of allah. We also see that they did not ask anything for their own but they were very sincere in their missions.


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