prophet's life: Timeline

Timeline early history of islam

PH:   year of Prophethood; Ist year of Revelation of the Quran in
Makkah to 13th year in Makkah       
AH:   Hijra, starting from Ist year of migration to Madina to date.

AD              PH              AH    EVENT
570             ---                ----     Birth of the Prophet Mohammad (saw)
610             1                 ----     First Revelation
613             3                 ----     Open invitation to Islam
615             5                 ----     First migration to Abyssinia
616             6                 ----     Second migration to Abyssinia
617             7                 ----     Boycott of Banu Hashim
620             10               ----     Boycott ended/ deaths of Khadija (ra)
and Abu Talib
620             11               ----     Journey of Mairaj/ Journey to Taif
621             12               ----     First Pledge of Aqaba
622             13               1        Second Pledge of Aqaba and
invitation to Yathrib
Attempt on the life of the Prophet (saw) and Migration
622             ----              1        Prophet’s mosque/ Azaan/
Brother-hood between Muhajreen and Ansaar/ Treaty with Jews
623             ----              2        Fasting and Zakaat were made
obligatory/ change of Qibla    
624             ----              2        Battle of Badr
625                                3        Battle of Uhad/Banu Nazir expelled
from Madina
627             ----              5        Battle of Ahzaab(Trench)/
Expulsion of Banu QainaqahQuraiza
628             ----              6        Treaty of Hudaibia/ Letters to kings/
Khyber expedition/ Prophet performed Umra
629             ----              8        Battle of Mutah/
630             ----              9        Conquest of Makkah/ Battle of
Hunain/ Tabuk  expedition
631             ----              10      Farewell Pilgrimage
632             ----              11      The Prophet (saw) passed away.


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