Persecution of Muslims: lessons for the Muslims

Q         Explain how their reaction to these difficulties sets an example for Muslims today.                             [4-J-03][5- J-98][5-N-00][4-J-07]
Q         How does his conduct in one of these difficulties provide an example for Muslims today?      [4-N-10]
Q         What can Muslims in modern times learn from these stories? 
From the persecution of the Prophet (saw) and the Muslims, we learn the lessons of bravery, patience, hopefulness and firmness. The prophet (saw) never thought of quitting his mission though he was offered wealth, status and luxury. We learn that we should remain firm once we are sure that our belief is based on truth and justice.

He was patient and never lost his temper or his mind during these years. He depended on Allah and hoped only from Allah. We learn that in difficulties, we should not lose hopes. Towards our opponents, we should adopt an attitude of peace. One day, they may understand us better. The Prophet (saw) and his companions preferred to die but they never quit their belief. There is not one single example of this. We learn that fighting for principles is more important than facing hardships. We also learn that he took every decision on its right time like asking Muslims to go to Abyssinia or Madina. We also see that Abu Bakr (ra) paid for the release of Bilal (ra) even in those tough times. This is the lesson of financial sacrifice.

Mohammad (saw) adopted the policy of forgiveness in response to all persecution. He was worried about the result of his persecutors in this world and on the Day of Judgment. Instead of fighting with them, he was patient. We should also be forgiving towards our opponents.


  1. Its relevant but quotes and verses??

  2. I wannathat the questions related to prophet i wannna ask i search them so they are no search found

  3. Hiiii....Thanks for sharing Great information...Nice post...Keep move on....
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  4. The answers on your website are very helpful keep uploading more but please mention Quranic references and references of the ahadiths as well

  5. That's a great answer 👍

  6. That,s a great answer, helped me a lot


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