Nature of prophethood

Q         What does the Prophet’s first experience of revelation tell us about the nature of prophethood in Islam?       [4-N-09]

Angel Jibreel (as) brought the first revelation to the prophet Mohammad (saw). As confirmed by Warqa Ibn Nawfal, angel Jibael was the same angel who used to come to the other prophets and brought the messages of Allah to them. It also shows that all prophets had brought the same message of Tauheed and the Day of Judgment. All prophets were chosen by Allah and they were a chain. The first prophet was Adam (as) and the last one was Mohammad (saw). The first revelation also shows that prophets were unaware of the office Allah was going to give them. Musa (as) was on his journey when suddenly, he was given this office and Mohammad (saw) was meditating in the cave of Hira when he received the first revelation.


  1. Replies
    1. Very helpful 👍☺️☺️☺️
      Thank you so much for such detailed answer💓💓

  2. Doesn't fulfill the requirement ?

  3. i love o levels yaeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    1. and u must know how easy it is😂😂😂😂

  4. the answer id not really that useful as half of it is not even related to the question that has been given.

    1. xdh,gfvdsiyfgxdfilghsdilytg skdhfg8 ay w6rgwaeyhbffffffasyesg uyriydgfSgfalt

  5. Not fulfilling questions demand��

    1. like what do u need more for a 4 marks question and according to cie pattern for a 4 marks question only a paragraph and 8 to 9 lines are enough
      Another thing is that plz appreciate someone's work instead of criticizing.This message is for all the people who have criticized.

    2. It is fulfilling the question demand but in the past papers u need to write about 18 to 26 lines
      The thing needed is to extend the material

  6. Not fulfilled the requirement

    1. U should appreciate rather than abusing.😡

  7. The answer is short and comprised.
    It is fulfilling the requirementrequirement, just extend the material
    # hibba

  8. Yeah good !! What i needed was a concept ... now I can expand my idea on my own in my exam (ps: my exam is after 1 day)😫
    Thanks for the answer though ! 🤩

  9. Your welcome😜

  10. "(b) What does the Prophet’s first experience of revelation tell us about the nature of

    prophethood in Islam? [4]

    Candidates should try to give some insight into the revelations and their significance, rather

    than providing another descriptive account.

    Good answers could talk about the prophet’s surprise and confusion. They could also explain

    how the unannounced experience shows that God chose prophets, often without warning,

    and caused miraculous events at the time of calling. They could also draw parallels between

    the specific experiences of the prophet Muhammad and other prophet."

    This is the marking scheme for this question and according to the marking scheme, this answer fulfills the requirements. So for all those who are criticizing this answer its best to think before you criticize someone. The only fault in this answer is the lack of good expression which as CAIE students you should be able to incorporate it on your own.

    1. Don,t be upset bro you are working for us and the best question you provide us I know. Keep work hard.May Allah bless you.stay happy 😊😊.

  11. Thanks for your answer bro

  12. An outstanding answer ❤️

  13. thanks it is very helpful in o level islamiat exams thankyou very much

  14. Good.... Add some more points as well. Thanks..


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