Relationship between man and woman in Islam

Q         Explain the teachings of Quran about the relationship between men and                   women.                      [5-J-98][5-J-02][5-J-05][5-N-08]
Q         What do these teachings tell us about the relationship between men and women?                                                                                             [4-J-10]

Sura Al Noor commands Muslim men and women to lower their gaze and protect their modesty. Islam encourages a legal relationship between a man and a woman that is to marry a woman and does not like unnecessary mingling of sexes. Relations before marriage or friendships are not encouraged in Islam. A wife should be the best friend of a husband. Relations between a man a woman before marriage or after marriage create major social problems. Prophet (saw) says that the Satan is between a man and a woman when they are alone. The girl's consent should be taken before marriage. Before marriage, the couple should see each other and in a respectable way, they should meet each other.

However in social interaction, Islam permits women to meet men but they should not show by their behaviour that they are encouraging men to involve in love with them. Men and women should be respectful and modest in the presence of each other. Women should not wear clothes which are tight or thin. Islam has defined a list of men whom a woman cannot marry. In their presence, a woman may be alone, for example brothers, father and real uncles.  


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