Life and Importance of the Prophet Mohammad (sw)

Event Of Mairaaj
Q         Give an account of the events of the Prophet’s night journey and ascension [‘Isra wa-mi’raj]. [10-J-11] [10-N-13-2058/11]

‘Glory to Him who took His servant for a journey by night from the Sacred
  mosque to the Farthest mosque -------    [Sura Al Isra:1]

The event of Miraj took place in CE 621. It was the time when the Prophet’s wife Khadija (ra) and uncle, Abu Talib had died, visit to Taif had failed and the persecution of Makkans was on peak. One night the Prophet (sw) was awoken by Jabrail (as), and from Makkah (Masjid al Haram), he was taken to Jerusalem (Masjid Al Aqsa) on a white horse-like winged creature (Burraq) who could run extremely fast. There he met the prophets who came before him. He also led the prayer of these prophets. This is a clear indication that Mohammad (sw) is the leader of all prophets and he is also the last prophet of Allah. This event is called ‘Isra’.

From Jerusalem, he was taken to heavens. In the heavens, he met Adam (as), Idrees (as), Musa (as), Essa (as) and Ibrahim (as) on different levels of heavens. They gave Mohammad (sw) respect and welcomed him as ‘brother’. Mohammad (sw) also visited and saw paradise and hell.

He was also shown the treatment of good and bad deeds. It means that he saw people going through rewards given by Allah or the punishments they suffered due to their bad deeds. It may be guessed that these rewards and punishments were not in the paradise or hell but they were going on in Barzakh, the place where the spirits of good and bad people are kept. For example, he saw people harvesting their ready green crop and they were very happy. When the harvesting was complete, the crop was ready again, and they started the process again. They were extremely happy. The Prophet (sw) asked Jibraeel (as) about the event. He replied that they were the people who did some good which continued after their deaths and they will be rewarded for ever for this good work. In the same way, he saw punishments.

At one point, Jibraeel (as) stopped. Here Mohammad (sw) saw a strange huge tree from which heavenly lights were coming out. Words are unable to describe this scene. The point is called “Sidra tul Muntaha” which means ‘The Remotest Lote Tree’. Jibraeel (as) refused to go beyond this point and Mohammad (sw) alone went inside. It was the occasion when Allah made fifty prayers obligatory upon Muslims but when the Prophet came back, he met Musa (as) who advised the prophet (sw) to request Allah to reduce them and finally, five times prayers became obligatory. According to many Hadith and a strong Hadith from Aisha (ra), he did not see Allah.

From heavens, he was taken back to Jersalem. From there he came back to Makkah where his bed was still warm. On his way back to Makkah, he saw two caravans coming towards Makkah. Next morning he was commanded by Allah to narrate this event to pagans of Makkah. When the Prophet (sw) did this, the natural reaction came. They mocked the Prophet (sw) but it was Abu Bakr (ra) who said that he believes in Mohammad (sw) completely. It was the occasion when Abu Bakr (ra) was given the title ‘Al Siddiq’. When the pagans asked about the proof of his visit, Mohammad (sw) described every detail about Jerusalem and the surroundings of Aqsa mosque. Mohammad (sw) also told about two caravans which were travelling towards Makkah and told about the time of their arrival which proved correct in a short time. In spite of these signs, they did not accept the truth of the Prophet Mohammad (sw).    

Q         Explain the importance of this event (Miraj) to the Prophet (sw) himself.                                   [4-J-11]
Q         How did this journey help the Prophet (sw) in his mission?

The journey of Miraj was important for the prophet (sw) in many ways. He had the deepest believe in his prophethood but this journey provided him a physical proof of his claims. He saw paradise and hell and met Allah, and now he could invite people with complete confidance that he was true.

The journey took place when Islam was at the peak of persecution and Mohammad (sw) was facing disappointing events. Khadija (ra) and Abu Talib had died, mission to Taif had failed and there was no progress of Islam in Makkah. In this situation, Allah gave him confidence and gave him the message that the most powerful Allah is behind him and he should not be disappointed and afraid. The journey showed him that Allah had not left him andn He was with him.

Mohammad (sw) also enjoyed the respect given by the angels and the prophets. He led the prayers of prophets which was a symbol of the leadership of Mohammad (sw). His meeting with prominent prophets, meeting with Allah, and watching the amazing world increased his confidence and belief.

Journey to Heavens was a physical proof that the paradise and hell is a reality. For the Muslim belief it was important because Muslims should strive for paradise and do good deeds in order to be away from hell.     

Among these prophets, there were some who were also given books and scriptures. Ibrahim (as) was one of them. Essa (as) was the last one among the prophets of Bani Israel. From the race of Ismail (as), the other son of Ibrahim (as), Allah chose Mohammad (sw) as the last prophet and gave him his last complete book the holy Quran. With the Quran and the life of the Prophet Mohammad (sw), a complete code of life designed by Allah Himself, is with us and the human beings are responsible to accept this code because it is the best solution to all human problems. If they refuse, they are responsible to answer Allah after their death.

Therefore all human beings are responsible to follow the way of Allah. If they follow the path of Satan, they will be responsible for their own deeds. Every path is against Allah which is against the last book of God, the holy Quran and also against the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad (saw). 


  1. Little Bit Of The Answer Is Not Related To The Question.

  2. Can you also explain me the importance of this journey(miraj)to the Muslims

  3. You should use some quotation as well

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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