History and Importance of Quran

God’s Relationship with Mankind

Q         From the passages you have studied from the Qur’an, write about God’s
           relationship with humankind.[10-J-12]

The passages from the Quran very clearly define the relationship of God with the humankind. The purpose of the creation of human beings is well defined in passage six:
O people! Adore your Guardian-Lord, who created you and
   those who came before you, so that you may have the chance
   to learn righteousness”.   [2:21-22]

The passage shows that the real purpose of the creation was to follow the way of Allah in this world. The meaning of worship is to follow the way of Allah. That is the right and true path. Sura Al Fatihah says:
“Show us the straight way. The way of those to whom You have given
  your grace, not those who go astray”.

For this purpose Allah has defined it very clearly in the holy Quran to believe in three concepts:
1: To believe in the Oneness of Allah. (passages 1 to 5)
2: To be believe in the Day of Judgment where every believer will be rewarded and every
     non-believer will be punished. (Sura Al Zilzaal)
3: To believe in the prophets of Allah who were the means of communication between  
     God and humanity. (Passages 11 to 15)

A H S A N   N A Q V IPassage 11, relating to Adam (as) shows that the human beings are the most superior of the creation of Allah. For this reason Allah asked the angels and the the other creations to submit to human beings. However Iblees who was a Jinn, refused to submit and he was destined to hell. He got permission from God that he will make the humans go astray from the path of God. Passage 11 says:
“The Satan made them slip from there, and got them out of what
   they had been in”.

Before sending human beings on earth, Allah created everything that was necessary for the humankind. Passage 7 says that Allah created the heavens as canopy, the earth as couch and created the water cycle in order to survive. After the creation, human race was the believer in one God but gradually, they involved in shirk or making partners with Allah. Therefore, Allah sent prophets one after the other to every nation who gave the message to humanity mentioned above.

Among these prophets, there were some who were also given books and scriptures. Ibrahim (as) was one of them. Essa (as) was the last one among the prophets of Bani Israel. From the race of Ismail (as), the other son of Ibrahim (as), Allah chose Mohammad (sw) as the last prophet and gave him his last complete book the holy Quran. With the Quran and the life of the Prophet Mohammad (sw), a complete code of life designed by Allah Himself, is with us and the human beings are responsible to accept this code because it is the best solution to all human problems. If they refuse, they are responsible to answer Allah after their death.

Therefore all human beings are responsible to follow the way of Allah. If they follow the path of Satan, they will be responsible for their own deeds. Every path is against Allah which is against the last book of God, the holy Quran and also against the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad (saw). 


  1. i could have done it better my self actually iam dr iftikhar ul haq the writer of redspot islamiat

  2. main hu JIAN main hun bara TAQATWAR

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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  6. Thank you for sharing the informative content.

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