
Q         Angel Jibril brought the revelation of the Quran to the Prophet
Mohammad (sw) at different times and places. Give examples to show how this took place. [10-j-15/paper 11]

Angel Jibril brought revelations to the Prophet Mohammad (sw) on different places and times. The very first time he brought the first revelation was in the cave of Hira when he brought the first five Ayaat of Sura Al Alaq.
                        “Read in the name of your Lord who created
             Created man out of a clot of congealed blood

After this occasion, the revelations started coming to the Prophet (sw) frequently. The other important Sura revealed to the Prophet was ‘Al Mudassir’in which the Prophet was asked to give open message of Islam to people. He was also asked to pray in late hours of night in order to strengthen his belief in Allah and not to be scared of persecution. When the persecution started against Muslims and the Prophet (sw), Jibril brought many Suras in which the Prophet (sw) gave the message of Tauheed to the people of Makkah.

In the fourth year of prophethood, the second son of the Prophet died. The pagans of Makkah were happy and they started calling the Prophet ‘Abtar’ which means ‘cut off’. They believed that the mission of Mohammad (sw) will fail because there is no son to carryon his mission. Angel Jibril came with the revelation of Sura Al Kausar in which Allah declared that the enemies of Islam would perish and the name of Mohammad will survive forever.

Another important occasion was the one in which the revelations stopped for about forty days. The pagans of Makkah started saying that the ‘Jinn’ of Mohammad had left him and he is a normal man now. Naturally the Prophet was very sad. At this occasion, Jibril brought Sura Al Duha in which Allah gave the message that Allah was neither angry with Mohammad (sw) nor Allah has retired him. His mission will be successful.

Sometimes the pagans, Christians and the Jews would ask about the nature of God in Islam. In these conditions, Allah revealed Sura Al Ikhlas in which the concept of God was well clarified. Sura Al Falaq and Sura Al Nas were also revealed in Makkah in order to give strength to the Prophet that in all difficulties, Allah was with them. However, Al Falaq and Al Nas were also repeated when a magic was spelled to the Prophet in Madina.

In Madina, there were many occasion when Jibril came with many revelations. The starting Hadith of Sahih Bukhari is about angel Jibril when he came to the Priophet (sw) and asked him questions about Islam, Emaan and Ehsaan. Jibril used to come to the Prophet in his house. Aisha (ra) says that she has the honour that Wahi would come to the Prophet when he was alone with Aisha (ra). On the occasion of every battle, Allah would send Jibril (as) to guide Muslims. In Madina most of the laws came through Wahi when an event occurred and there was need for guidance. In Sura Al Noor, the revelations came that guided the Muslim women to be careful about their dressing and dealing with others. The Sura came in response to the event when Aisha (ra) was left in the desert and the hypocrites blamed her.


  1. Very helpful material but should I also add the event on plain of Arafat during the last sermon of the prophet or this answer fulfills the criteria

  2. Should I write this answer on the question'prophet different experiences of revelation'

  3. Please tell me the num of revelations jibreel brought to Holy Prophet

  4. Very helpfull but should i also add how the revelation came to holy prophet and what holy prophet feel when revelation was revealed to him

  5. This is not the accurate answer

    1. You should tell about the ways it was revealed like in form of ringing bells or he came in form of a man which companions witnessed etc.

    2. it is not written ways in which jibrael brought says different places and the answer explains the events when jibraeil brought important reveltations..

  6. Name some revelations by Angrl jibrael to Holy Prophet

  7. It is not according to the mark scheme


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