Prophet’s relationship with Quresh

Prophet’s relationship with Quresh

Q         Write about the Prophet Muhammad’s interaction with the Quraysh while he lived in Makka, before and after revelation.                                 [10-N-11]
Q         Write about the changes in the relationship between the Prophet (sw) and the Quresh in the years between his marriage to Khadija (ra) and the death of Abu Talib. [10-J-15/2058-11]

Prophet Mohammad (saw) was born in Makkah, in the tribe of Quresh in the family of Banu Hashim. His grand-father and after his death, his uncle Abu talib became the chief of Banu hashim. This family was responsible for the hospitality of the pilgrims in Makkah and due to this honour, they enjoyed a very high respect in Makkah.

The Prophet Mohammad (sw) was also a part of this highly respectable family. Until the age of twenty-five, he spent his life as a poor man because his uncle, Abu Talib, had a large family and he also spent most of his income in the service of pilgrims. When he was twenty-five, he married to Khadija (ra), and invested her wealth in business and soon, he became a wealthy man and naturally, he increased his respect in Makkah further. He was a thorough gentleman who was truthful and honest in his business and other dealings. He was always ready to help poor and needy. He hated cruelty and bad customs in the Arab society. For this character, he was highly respected by all people of Makkah and he was known as Sadiq and Ameen (truthful and trustworthy) by the people of his city.

When Mohammad (saw) received his first Revelation and Allah gave him the office of Prophet-hood, he started his preaching among his family members and close friends. He was so reliable a person that no one in his circle of friends rejected his ideas and they accepted Islam immediately. When he started his open preaching in Makkah after three years, he started facing severe persecution and rejection by Makkans. It was not because anything had gone wrong about his character or his message was wrong, but it was because his message was challenging the old, rotten system of pagan society.

The pagans were not ready to accept the new system because it was against their political, traditional and economic interests. The worst kind of persecution started against the Muslims in Makkah. Many of them had to settle in Abyssinia. The prophet was offered wealth, luxurious life and power, but he rejected everything. He and his family had to face a boycott for three years in which the troubles increased many times. In 619, his wife and uncle passed away. He tried to settle Muslims in Taif, but he was rejected by those people. In 622, he recived invitation from the city of Yathrib (Madina) and he decided to migrate there along with the other Muslims. The pagans of Makkah could see the danger of this migration and for this reason, they decided to kill the Prophet (saw). However, Allah had decided things in his favour and a new history began from Madina. 



  2. Really nice and awesome piece of work
    Bro ahsan it helped me alot
    you may continue to send answer like this
    and get good of others

  3. I wrote the same answer in my exam and included more points regarding the incident of the black stone and the prophets persecution but the teacher gave me 8/10

  4. Why there is no tradition included.

  5. this answer gave me points for elaborations ! jazakallah ... may god bless you !

  6. No onformatinf about prophets relation with quraish before the call of prophethood

  7. This was such an great answer I have read the marking scheme but the have not elaborated it but after reading your answer I'm really satifiied I want u to right ahadith as well so that our answer becomes mere relevant to caie

  8. It did not helped me. My teacher did not accepted this answer.


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