Relationship of the Quran with Sunnah, Ijma and Qiyas

Q         Write about how the Quran is used with the other three sources in Islamic law.                                                                                    [10-Nov14-2058/11]

The holy Quran is believed by all Muslims as the basis of thinking how they should govern their lives. The Quran says:
“Those who do not judge by the law which Allah has sent down,
are indeed the disbelievers” (Al Maida 44).

When Quran declares something unlawful, no authority can challenge it, therefore no other source of law can go against Quran. For example since the Quran prohibits gambling, any form of gambling is unlawful. All other three sources will agree with this principle and there is no conflict between them.

The Sunnah is the second primary source of Islamic law. It is next to Quran in authority. It is important because Allah Himself gave authority to the Prophet Mohammad (saw) to make laws. The Quran says:
“So take what the messenger gives you, and refrain from what
  he prohibits you.” (Al Hashr 59:7).

It is also important because without Sunnah we can never understand Quran. For example, the Quran does not tell us how to perform Salat. The method is given by the Prophet (saw). The Quran and the Sunnah never contradict each other. Sunnah is only an extension and explanation of the Quran. Sunnah is an authority where the Qran is silent. The Quran says:
“---He makes pure things lawful for them and impure things unlawful”
(Al Aaraaf 157)
Therefore without Sunnah, there is no possibility of understanding and following the holy Quran.

Ijma or the consensus of the Muslim community is an agreement of the Muslim community on a point of Faith or action. It is used when the Quran and the Sunnah are silent. It is authorized by the Quran and the Sunnah:
“My nation will not agree unanimously on error”          (Hadith)

Ijma of the companions of the Prophet (saw) is obligatory for the Muslims to follow. The examples of such Ijam are Travih prayers, two Azaans on Friday prayers and agreement of Muslims on the Quran compiled by Abu Bakr (ra).  Ijma of the renowned scholars of Islam like Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Malik, Imam Hanbal and Imam Shafai is also important to follow because these Imams set down rules of Islamic law. It is also important that Ijma never disagrees with the Quran and Sunnah. Ijma is based on the principles set down by Quran and Sunnah. For example, the Prophet (sw) asked thecompanions to bring the Quran in writing and the entire quran was in writing at the time of the Prophet (sw). Abu Bakr (ra) brought this scattered Quran in the book form. The famous Hadith of the Prophet (sw) is also a proof of ijma when the Prophet (sw) permitted Muaz bin Jabal to use his discretion when a direct solution is not found in Quran and Sunnah. 

Qiyas or Analogy is the decision of an expert of Islamic law on the basis of comparison with the known law given by the Quran and Sunnah and a problem which did not exist during the time of the Prophet (sw). It means that the roots of every Qiyas are definitely there in the Quran and the Sunnah.

It is permitted by the Quran and Sunnah because Quran asks Muslims to use common sense in many places. The legal expert compares the logic of an existing problem for which no direct solution is given in the Quran Sunnah and Ijma. He forms his opinion and comes to his conclusion using common points between the two problems.

For example, Quran and Sunnah do not talk about using narcotics and antoxicating drugs but they declare drinking wine unlawful. Since wine creates loss of senses, and narcotics also create the same effect, taking narcotics is also unlawful or Haraam.

The famous Hadith of the Prophet (sw) is also a proof of Qiyas when the Prophet (sw) permitted Muaz bin Jabal to use his discretion when a direct solution is not found in Quran and Sunnah. 


  1. We got this question for homework so thanks I can now copy this hehheheheheheheheheh

  2. Plz answer on it,(why ijma and qiyas important nowadays in solving Islamic problems?include hadith and Quranic verses)

    1. because these days there are such practices which couldnt be figured out if they are allowed in islam and when sunnah and quran is silent there is a necessity of ijma and qiyas to figure out nowadays making of new rules or law is shapen in the supervision of ijma and qiyas to make sure if its according to the islamic principles and similarities moreover qiyas and ijma nowadays are serving great roles for making modern rules and law and all other domestic issues to be figured out so it can be easy for the rest to accept and acknowledging the society in regards of islamic principles importance in our daily lives or modern era

    2. ijma is done to prevent any unlawful activity and holy prophet said “My nation will not agree unanimously on error"

  3. Bhai it's it inform u that H MAAZ BIN JABAL wala event ijma Ka part Nahi hai. Voqiyas Mai cover Hota hai

  4. Can someone explain this, describe the way in which God gave his knowledge to his Messengers[10]

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Allah send many messengers to guide human beings to the right path and tell them to stay away from shirk.The quran tells the story about hazrat Adam who was the first human being created by Allah and Allah taught him everything and then told everyone to bow down to him, so every angel bow down to him except iblis, who was made with fire and was a jin. So Allah then send hazrat Adam to Heaven when he was tested not to eat apple from a specific tree but satan whisper in his ear and he disobeys God and then he was send to Earth where he asks God Forgiveness and mercy and it says in Quran 'And learn Adam from his words of inspiration as His Lord turns towards him' So hazrat Adam learned God Mercy and forgiveness.The quran also tells about Hazrat Ibrahim who rejected these heavenly bodies as god and said the one who created this earth and heavens is my Lord.THrough the events of rejecting moon,sun and stars he turned towards Allah and not to associating partners with him.As it says in quran 'Verily i turned my face towards Him who created heavens and earth'. The quran also tells about the story of Hazrat Isa Miraculous birth as he speaks to people when he waa a child he was given holy spirt.when he grew older he was given law and gospel to guide people on right path . He was given powers by God to help blind and make people alive from dead.
      As the quran also tells about the Holy Prophet {S.A.W} that he was mocq by pagans when there was a gap between the revelations and they say your lord has forsaken you so to console prophet surah Duha came As it says 'Your lord has not forsaken you indeed hereafter will be better than present '. Then in other situation when prophet sons died due to infancy people call him al abtar{cut from future hope}. So to console him surah kausar came As is says' We indeed granted you abundance indeed your future enemies cut out from the future hope'. So prophet faith was strengthen after the death of Abu lahab and abu jahal.
      I hope this would be enough for you.JazakAll

  5. difference between qiyas and quran


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