Visit to Taif

Q         Write brief accounts of the following two incidents in the life of the Prophet (SAW).
(i)        his attempt to preach to the people of al Taif.           
(ii)       his conquest of Makkah.                                       [5+5-J-05]
Q         Describe the events of the Prophet’s visit to Taif.      [10-Nov 14-2058/11]
Preaching in Taif
621AD was the time when the uncle of the Priophet (sw), Abu Talib and his wife Khadija (ra) had passed away. He had lost his support in Makkah because the new chief of Banu Hashim was Abu Lahab who was deadly against Islam. The persecution against Muslims became so intense that the Prophet (saw) decided to go to the town of Taif, seventy five miles from Makkah. His purpose was to convince the people of Taif. If they accepted Islam, the Prophet (saw) could move along with his companions. His slave Zaid Bin Harith was with him.

The people of Taif who used to worship the idol Laat, rejected his message with harshness and expelled them from the city. The city of Taif was dominated by three brothers who not only expelled them with insult but they also asked the boys of the city and asked them to chase and pelt stones on both of them. When he was leaving the city, boys of the city started pelting stones on them. Both of them were badly injured. The Prophet’s shoes were full of blood. In this condition, they started running. When they were quite away from the city, the boys went back.

 Both of them stayed in a garden which belonged to a Christian. He offered them water and grapes. Having taken some rest, they started their journey to Makkah. The slave asked the Prophet (saw) to curse these people. An angel also came to the Prophet (sw) and said that he had permission from Allah that he had the authority to destyry the city by crashing mountains. The prophet (sw) answered that he has come to humanity as a blessing and not as a curse. He also said that it could be possible that one day, the coming generations of this city would accept Islam. He was right. In 628 AD, Taif was conquered and all of them became Muslim.


  1. Replies
    1. السلام علیکم
      A question has two parts
      Explain some event (10)
      Write its significance(4)
      However, the pattern might be different at the institution where you study or at your level.

    2. yes i think that it is for 10 marks but the answer is too short it is not required for this question

  2. thats is for only 5 marks (look on the question sir)

  3. where ois the answr of part (ii) conquest of makkah

  4. it is 10 marks you all a very pagal

  5. isnt this supposed to be of 10 marks??

  6. I am afraid that the information posted contradicts authentic sources: Zaid was not a slave anymore but his adopted son. Moreover, the garden belonged to Utba bin Rabiyah and Shayba bin Rabiah.

    Here is some extra information I found:

    The chieftains of Thaqif were `Abd Yalil,Mas`ud and Habib, sons of `Amr bin `Umair. Also, the Christian servant was Addas and he had converted to Islam after being impressed by Prophet SAW saying Bismillah before eating the grapes.

    1. true. i found that on a different website. you guys should also refer to the Farkhanda Noor Muhammad and Yasmin Malik book of islamiat for o levels and IGCSE.

  7. Also seven jinns accepted Islam in the valley of nakhlah

    1. They also asked prophet Mohammad S.A.W to allow them to destroy taif valley

  8. I think this question is of 10 marks not more than that because it is not lengthy enough for 14 marks

  9. What was the Holy Prophet's experience of tge visit to taif?

  10. second part of the question is missing

  11. In which year this visit to taif is in pure of islamiat 2058/1

  12. good but no quote and the names of the christians were utbah and shayba

  13. This will only score 3 or 4 out of 10
    Or if it’s from 14 then 5
    If it’s from 5 then 2.5

  14. This will only score 3 or 4 out of 10
    Or if it’s from 14 then 5
    If it’s from 5 then 2.5

  15. This will only score 3 or 4 out of 10
    Or if it’s from 14 then 5
    If it’s from 5 then 2.5

  16. This will only score 3 or 4 out of 10
    Or if it’s from 14 then 5
    If it’s from 5 then 2.5

  17. It is almost the answer of 8-9 marks

  18. this question is of 10 mark


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