Importance of migration to Abbysinia

Q         What was the importance of making this migration at that time?
Q         What was the significance of this migration for the early Muslim community?                                     [4-N-13-2058/11]

The migration to Abbysinia was the first political move of the Prophet (sw). The migration shows that the Prophet (sw) assessed Najashi very correctly. It also shows that he was directly under the guidance of Allah who probably gave the Prophet the message that Muslims would be safe in Abbyssinia.

This migration saved Muslims from persecution            . They lived peacefully and established their business there. They were also free to pray and practice Islam without any danger.  Besides that, the message of Islam went abroad. The good characters of Muslim community impressed local population and later the entire population became Muslim. Najashi himself became Muslim and his funeral prayer was performed by the Prophet (sw). The migration gave Muslims of Makkah and of Abbyssinia the message of unity. Muslims were weak in both the places but their belief in Allah increased which gave them confidence that they should be united and should not to be divided. It was their real strength. 


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