Relations of Muslim state with the other communities

Q         Describe three events from the time of the Prophet (sw) and the Rightly Guided Caliphs that show how they conducted relations between the early Muslim community and other communities.                                    [3 x 4-J-07]
Q         Describe four incidents that show how between 622 and 661, the Prophet (saw) and the Rightly Guided Caliphs conducted relations with other states.                                                                                                                      [4x3-N-06]
Q         Describe three examples from the time of the Prophet (saw) and the Rightly Guided Caliphs that show the relations between the early Muslim state and other states.                                                                                               [3x4-N-04]

1     The Prophet (saw) signed a treaty in 622 with the Jews of Madina. It was settled in the Treaty that Jews would have religious independence. Both the communities would defend Madina in case of an attack. No community would give protection to Quresh. In case of conflict, judgment of Mohammad (saw) would be final. All three tribes of Jews, Banu Quraiza, Banu Qainiqah and Banu Nazir signed this treaty. This agreement shows that the Prophet (saw) wanted peace with all non-Muslim communities. This agreement was also in favour of Muslims in their politics.

2      In 630, the conquest of Makkah took place. When the pagans of Makkah broke the Treaty of Hudaibia, the Prophet (saw) decided to conquer Makkah. It was because kaaba was the place where only Allah is to be worshipped. Ibrahim and Ismail (as) had constructed Kaaba with this purpose and Idol worshipping was not acceptable. Makkah was also the political centre of Arabia and its conquest meant full domination over Arabian Peninsula. The Prophet (saw) had an an army of more than ten thousand men and he could fight but since Kaaba is a sacred land, he did not want any bloodshed. He announced that the one who takes protection in Kaaba or the house of Abu Sufyan or closes his doors would not be hurt. Therefore without any bloodshed, Makkah was conquered and the people of Makkah accepted Islam. The Prophet (saw) set down the principles that bloodshed should be avoided. Muslims should have control over the places which are strategically or religiously important for them. 

3     During the time of Omar (ra), Jerusalem was conquered. The Christians refused to surrender unless the Caliph himself would come to sign a treaty. Omar (ra) came and signed the treaty. It was agreed that protection would be given to all citizens of Palestine. Their churches would not be hurt or they would not be used for residential purpose of Muslims. Christians would have religious independence. In response to it, they would pay Jizya tax to the government and the government would be responsible for their lives, property and honour. The Archbishop of Palestine signed the Treaty. This Treaty shows that Islam does not want any conflict with the non-Muslim communities. Muslims could easily invade and capture Palestine but they avoided bloodshed.


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