
Q         Explain what Mulims mean when they say they should be modest Towards:
1          God
2          Members of the opposite sex
3          Friends at school or work.                       [5+6+5-N-02][5+6+5-N-05]

Modesty towards God:
Faith in one God means acknowledging His authority and associating no partners with Him. Sura Al Fatihah says:
“Only You we worship and only Your aid we seek”.
A Muslim should follow His guidance as given in Quran and given by the Prophet Muhammad (saw). Prophet (sw) says:
“Say, I believe in God, then act uprightly”.
Modesty towards God demands to worship Him by performing obligatory prayers, following His law regarding other human being and believing that Allah is watching us all the time. A Hadith from Tirmizi says:
“Practice modesty towards Allah as it ought to be practiced towards Him”

Members of the opposite sex
For women, they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what must appear. Sura Al Aaraaf says clothing was revealed to conceal shame and as a thing of beauty but the garment of Taqwa (fear of God) is the best of all.Therefore men’s body should be covered at least from navel to knee.  Women should cover their body except face, feet and hands. Women’s clothes should not reveal their body. They should not be too thin or tight.  Men are not allowed to wear silk and gold to avoid show off, however women are allowed.
Muslim men and women should not be alone except in certain relations (mehram like father and daughter). According to the Prophet, Satan is between a woman and a man who are alone. Sexual relationship is only allowed when the couple is married. Men and women are equal in Islam, therefore men should not try to dominate women.

Friends at school or at work
Prophet (saw) says:
“A Muslim is one from whose tongue and hand other Muslims are safe.”
With friends, we should be considerate about their needs. Our speech should not be sarcastic, taunting and boosting wealth and status. We should not find faults with the others. We should be Sincere towards them and promote mutual help and friendship with them. We should tolerate difference of opinion and take their advice. When we meet them, we should greet them with Assalam Alaikum. The Prophet (saw) was frank and friendly with his companions and he never left them alone in trouble.


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