Prophet's first year in Madina

Prophet (Saw) in Madina 622-632
Events of the first year

Q         Describe the events in Madina that immediately followed the Hijra, mentioning especially the Emigrants (Muhajrun) and helpers (Ansaar).                                                                                                                         [10-N-02]
Q         Write about the brotherhood that developed between the new community of
Muslims in Madina.                                                [10-N-13-2058/11]

(Please choose the relevant part according to the need of the exam)
In 622, Mohammad (saw) arrived in Madina. He took the following important decisions immediately.

Mosque of the Prophet (saw) was built immediately. The land was purchased from two orphans. Prophet (sw) and the companions took part in its building. In the beginning, it was a small mosque without any facilities. As soon as the mosque was ready, five times regular prayer and Juma prayer started at the mosque. Men and women used to come to mosque regularly and it also became the centre of education, social life and political life of Muslims. Abu Bakr (ra) paid for the price of land.

Azaan was proposed by Umar (r). In his dream, Umar heard the words of the Azaan and he told these words to the Prophet (sw). The Prophet (sw) accepted it and since that day, five times Azaan was introduced. Bilal (ra) was the official person to deliver Azaan every day. Besides Bilal (ra), Ume Maktoom, the blind companion was also responsible for Azaan.

The Prophet(sw) made a Treaty with Jews.There were three tribes of Jews living in Madina, Banu Quraiza, Banu Qainiqa and Banu Nazir. All of them agreed to the conditions of the Treaty. Important clauses of the Treaty included equal rights of Jews, freedom to follow their religion, no aggression against each other (Muslims and Jews), common protection of Madina in case of attack and the recognition of the Prophet (sw) as the Head of the state. It was also agreed that in case of a dispute, the decision of the Prophet (sw) would be final.

The Prophet (saw) also created a brotherhood between Muhajreen and Ansar. Muahjreen were financially broken when they came to Madina due to continuous persecution in Makkah. When the Prophet (sw) saw the pathetic condition of Muhajreen, he called a meeting in which he discussed the financial problems faced by Muhajreen. The Ansars were ready and willingly, they agreed to help their Muhajir brothers.

Forty-two Muhajreen and forty-two Ansars were made brothers to each other. However the Prophet (saw) chose Ali (ra) his brother. Ansar shared everything with their Muhajir brothers. They offered their houses, money and agricultural land. Ansaars divided their houses into parts; one for their Muhajir brother and one for themselves. They provided money to their Muhajir brothers to start their own trading business. Due to this help, Muhajreen were able to set up business almost immediately because they were already expert in trading. Only in two years they were well off to the extent that the need of brotherhood ended.

Madina was the place where some rainfall used to take place. Due to this rainfall, Ansaars used to produce some agricultural stuff. Ansaars also offered their agricultural lands to Muhajreen but Muhajreen politely refused agriculture because they were not aware of that profession. Even inheritance was shared between Muhajreen and Ansaars. In two years, agreement ended when Muhajreen established their business but both of them always treated each other as brother.

Q         Explain the importance of these events as an example for Muslims                            today.                                                            [6-N-02]
Q     How is this brotherhood (between Muhajreen and Ansaar) a good example for Muslim communities now? [4-N-13-2058/11]
Q         What is the significance of the Prophet (sw) establishing mosques as a first
task after the Hijra? [4-J-14-2058/12]

(Please choose the relevant answer according to the need of the examination.)

The Prophet (sw) took the first immediate decision of building the mosque. This shows that congregational prayer is a very important in the Muslim community. Mosque is not only a centre of worship but it is also a place of social gathering where Muslims can solve their social problems. Most of the social problems were solved by the Prophet (sw) when he was present in the mosque. Even the political matters were discussed in the mosque. When the Prophet (sw) has presented his examples, we should apply those examples today.

Mosque is also an education center where religious and worldly education may be obtained. Even the ladies used to get education in the mosque. They used to discuss their problems with the Prophet (sw) directly. All these practices were followed by the Prophet (saw) in his mosque.

Azaan is a symbol of unity of the Muslims. It also invites us to come to mosque which is a place of peace and unity. Every word of Azaan is worth understanding which gives us the lesson to be answerable to God and be a good citizen.

Treaty with Jews is a model of foreign policy for Muslim countries. The Treaty shows the importance of written constitutional document in which rights of minorities and peaceful co-existence with the neighbours was guaranteed.

Brotherhood between Muhajreen and Ansaar is an example of sacrifice for each other. According to a Hadith Muslims are like a building of which each brick makes the other strong This brotherhood also increases political strength of a community as the Aus, Khazraj and Muhajreen became an invincible force. It also created a sense of self-respect because Muhajreen did not depend on Ansaars and only in two years, they were earning enough and did not need Ansar’s help. The brotherhood gives us the lesson that Muslims should help the other Muslims in every possible way. In Muslim countries, poverty is common. In spite of different nationalities, Muslims should form a community system by which the Muslims of the other countries should get help.

Besides financial help, Muslims should give protection to those Muslims who are facing persecution in their countries. Very recently, the Muslims of Burma were not even able to find a land where they could settle. In these conditions, it is the responsibility of the entire Muslim community and their governments to help their Muslim brothers.


  1. This really was so helpful I like this website very much
    I got full marks in the homework by reading it and writing

  2. jazakallah for sharing such a valuable piece of writing.

  3. what were the events that led to the migration to madinah

    1. persecution of quraish in makkah
      pledges of aqabah

    2. Thanks sir it is really helpful

  4. Write about prophet interaction with non Muslims in Madina?

  5. very helpful indeed. encourage more information like this as to assist caie candidates

  6. Replies
    1. now thats what i call keybord "ABC" alphabets (in order )

  7. Where is experience of rophet in cave thaur?

  8. Guys is the 1st question like this one, " Write about the events of the first year following the Prophet's (S.A.W) arrival in madinah."

  9. This is said to be hard work thanks allot

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