First Revelation

First revelation and the cave of Hira

 Q         Give an account of the Prophet’s first experience of receiving revelation.                                                                               [10-N-04]

Q         Give a brief description of Muhammad’s call to be Prophet. [8-J-99]

Q         Give a brief description of the Prophet's experiences in caves.   
Q        Outline the Prophet’s experiences in the caves of Hira and Thawr.
     (On the experience of the cave of Saur, see migration to Madina)  
Q       Give an account of how the Quran was first revealed to the Prophet (sw).
Before the first revelation, Mohammad (sw) was a man of good nature. He always helped the poor and needy. He had never worshipped idols and always hated the common bad habits among Arabs When he was about forty years of age, he started meditating in the Cave of Hira because he used to think about the social evils common in Arabian society. He was in search of truth.

He started going to a cave three miles away from Makkah known as the cave of Hira. It is also known as the “The mount of Noor”. He used to go to Hira for a few days along with some food stuff. When the food was over, he would come back to Makkah and bring more food for him. A strange thing happened with him that his dreams started coming true.
One evening of the month of Ramadan in the year 610, he found a being standing in front of him.
            “We have revealed this (Quran) in the Night of Power”. (Al Qadr-1)

Later he came to know it was Jibreel (as), the leader of all angels. Jibreel (as) asked him to read. It is possible that Jibreel (as) showed him some writing and Mohammad (saw) was not literate. He said “I do not know how to read”. Jibreel (as) squeezed him tightly. The Prophet says that he squeezed the Prophet so hard that he felt pain in his chest. This happened three times. Then he started reading. These were the first five Ayaat of Sura Al Alaq.

Read! In the name of your Lord who created,
Created man out of a clot of congealed blood:
Proclaim! And your Lord is most bountiful,
He who taught by the pen
Taught man what he did not know.                                  

He came back home frightened and shivering. He asked his wife Khadija (ra) to cover him with something warm. He told the story to her and she pacified him. Mohammad (saw) said that he was afraid someone would kill him. Khadija (ra) said:
“Never, by Allah! Allah will never disgrace you. You keep good relation
  with your kith and kin, help the poor, serve your guests and assist those
  who are in problems”.

Khadija (ra) took Mohammad (saw) to her cousin Warqa Ibn Nawfal who was a Christian scholor and a very old man. Khadija (ra) said: “Warqa, talk to your nepew, what has happened with him?” Warqa heard the story and said: “It was the same angel who used to communicate between Allah and the other prophets. It means that you are also a prophet of Allah. Your people will expel you from this city (Makkah). If I remain alive until that time, I will be with you”. By this statement Warqa indicated three important things. One that Mohammad (sw) was the Prophet of Allah, two, that the one who came to him was angel Jibail (as), three that he will be expelled from Makkah and migrate to some other place. Warqa did not live long after this event. 


  1. Replies
    1. No this is another question we don't have to write descriptive of 4 marks

  2. Replies
    1. at my school bahria college it is considered of 5marks

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. is it o levels or simple

    4. I hope you have seen the title.

    5. Really helpfull and it was same as my sir explained with quite more details lets see how many marks i get and it is of O LEVELS as iam BECONITY AND IN GRADE 9 CAMBRIDGE MASHALLAH SAY MASHALLAH!

    6. really hepful, i appreciate your website

  3. is this the answer of all the 5 questions written above it???????

  4. we have to tell about prophetsaw experience in both of the caves hira and saur, in this ans you have only mentioned the incident in hira, where is cave of saur!!!

    1. In migration to Madinah

    2. Please also describe the events concerning with prophet experience in cave thaur

  5. Sir Kay ap kissi coaching ma parhate hain

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  7. Are you sure this is enough for 10 marks??

  8. This was very helpful for my olevel task
    Thanks alot 😊😊😊😊

  9. Q Give a brief description of the Prophet's experiences in caves.
    where is the answer please reply

  10. this answer is also written in my book. same to same wording. this is not the answer of this question ( Q Give a brief description of the Prophet's experiences in caves.

  11. can you tell me this para graphs tells us the 1 experience of prophe s,a,w revelation

  12. It's very helpful!! Giving assessment on May in 2021✌🏽

  13. can you tell simply the lable the answers.

  14. Outline the Prophet’s experiences in the caves of Hira and Thawr.
    [10-N-14-2058/12] can anyone share the answer of this Question?

  15. Sir you deserve appreciation for your efforts. MAY ALLAH GRANT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY WITH BLESSINGS!

    1. By the way I am Hamza Ahmed. Pls pray for my good results. I will appear for Caie in 25 April 2022

    2. InShAllah you'll be scoring good grades

  16. not fully explained, less detail,

  17. though this question addressed the main events surrounding the first revelation, for a 10-mark, it is not sufficient.


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