Among His signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Adore not the sun and the moon, but adore Allah, who created them. If it is Him you wish to serve.          

(a)            The theme of this passage is Tauheed and it is from Sura Al Fussilat. This Ayat presents the fundamental theme of the Quran that is 'Tauheed'. Tauheed is to make a commitment that besides the way of Allah, we will not follow any other way. This Ayat presents some other themes concerning Tauheed.  No one can see Allah but the signs of Allah are everywhere in nature. The universe, our body and other natural phenomena indicate that there is some power which has created them. Therefore instead of worshipping the sun and the moon and the other objects, human beings should worship the creator that is Allah. This is arrogance that the fact comes to us and we deny it. 
“That is Allah, your Lord! There is no god but He, the Creator
of all things: then worship Him: and He has power to dispose of all affairs”                                                (Al Anaam-102)

(b)    Today, Muslims are going through a difficult time. Politically, they are facing unrest, economically, they are not prosperous and socially, their society is divided into groups. In this situation, it is the belief in one Allah that can save them from troubles. Many Muslims, unconsciously, are involved in different kinds of shirk and in a way, they have made Allah unhappy. They should trust Allah in every matter of life and they must avoid shirk.          
“Indeed whosoever commits Shirk, Paradise will be forbidden for him 
  and his destination is Hell and cruel will find no help”.

(Sura Al Maida-72)


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