1        Major themes of the Quran
·        15 passages are divided into three major themes:
·        God in Himself      
·        God’s relationship with the created world
·        God’s messengers
·        Arabic and the translation of the passage will be provided in the exam.

2        The history and the importance of the Quran
·        The Revelation of the Quran to the Prophet (saw) between 610-632
·        Compilation of the Quran under the Rightly Guided Caliphs
·        The major themes of the Quran as contained both, in the passages set for special study 
          and in other similar passages
·        The use of the Quran in legal thinking, and its relationship with the Hadith, consensus 
          (Ijma) and analogy (Qiyas)
·        Its significance as the basis of all thought and action in Islam

3        The life and importance of the Prophet Mohammad (saw)
·        The main events of the Prophet’s life from his birth to his call to the prophethood.
·        The main events of his activities in Makkah and his experiences with his opponents
·        The main events of his activities in Madina, his leadership of the community there and his
           conflicts with the Makkans and others
·        His actions and character
·        The importance of his actions as examples for Muslim individuals in their personal conduct
          and rlations with others including women and non-Muslims
·        The importance of his actions as examples for Muslim communities in their relations with
          other states
·        His significance as the seal of the prophets and Last Messenger of God

4        The first Islamic community
·     The Prophet’s wives
·     His descendents including his children, grand children and the direct line recognized among
       Shi’a Muslims as Imams
·  His leading companions including the Ten Blessed companions, his scribes, the major characters who surrounded him in his ministry, the Emigrants and Helpers, and the four Rightly Guided Caliphs during his lifetime, the rule of the Caliphs is a part of paper 2


  1. this is really helpful thankyou.

  2. what about surahs? they are part of paper one

  3. Point 1 2 and 3 are for paper 1 and point 4 is of paper 2
    Am i right??

  4. Thanks it was really helpful

  5. AOA, anyone plz tell me how much to read immamat for o level cie papers

  6. What's the difference between 2058/11 & 2058/12 similarly 2058/21&2058/22

  7. please tell me about hadith (a) part as believe that if i use ref of Quran and in (b) of hadith

  8. Where can I find the Syllabus of Islamiat IGCSE
    Paper 2


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