1        Major teachings in the Hadith of the Prophet (saw)
·        20 Ahadith related to
(i)           Individual conduct
(ii)          Life in the community
·        Arabic and the translation of the Hadith will be provided in the exam.

2        The history and importance of the Hadith
·        The history of the compilation of Hadith
·        The earliest collections
·        The main Musnad and Musannaf collections
·        The main compilers and their activities
·        The methods based on the examination of the chain of transmitters (Isnad) and the text (Matn) of a Hadith to test the reliability of Hadith
·        The main features of the six collections of Sunni Hadith and the four collections of Shi’a Hadith
·        The major themes of the Hadith as these are contained both in the passages set for special study and in other similar passages
·        Their use in legal thinking and their relationship with the Quran, consensus (Ijma) and the analogy (Qiyas)
·        Their significance in thought and action in Islam

3        The period of rule of the Rightly Guided Caliphs and their
importance as leaders
·        The main events of the rules of the four caliphs
·        Their policies in maintaining and expanding the state
·        Their approaches to leading the community
·        Their main achievements
·        The main difficulties they encountered
·        Their significance as examples of leadership
·        The importance of their rules as models for governments today
·        Their importance as examples for Muslim communities in their relations with the other states


4                   The Six Articles of Faith
·        God, including what Muslims believe about Him
·        Angels, their nature and duties
·        Books, their contents and purpose
·        Prophets, their character and function
·        God’s predestination and Decree, its meaning and significance
·        Resurrection and the Last Day, the main events and its significance
·        Jihad, Physical, mental and spiritual

5        The Five Pillars of Islam
·        The Declaration of Faith, Shahada, including the significance of what it contains
·        Prayer, Salat, including preparations, performance, importance, prayers on Fridays and fesativals, times of prayer, the place of prayer, private prayer, delayed prayer
·        Alms-giving, Zakat, how it is performed and its significance in the community
·        Fasting, Sawm, observation, significance and exemptions
·        Pilgrimage, Hajj, main observances, their significance


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