Control Your Tongue- An Islamic Perspective
Control Your Tongue- An Islamic Perspective Most of the conflicts in this world arise from our speech whether they are personal, national or even international. We say something without realizing the deep effects and results leaving behind us. The roots of most of the psycho problems are in the use of uncontrolled use of tongue. We cannot imagine those deep scars we leave behind when we insult a person abusing them or using a sarcastic language. The holy Prophet Mohammad (saw) has stopped us hurting others. Many Ahadith of the Prophet (saw) ask us to avoid such words which hurt others. In a long Hadith, the Prophet emphasized on encouraging the worshipping of God through prayers, charity, fasting and pilgrimage to Makkah (Hajj) but at the end of the Hadith, he says that all these things are useless. Then he held his tongue and said: “control it and do not be careless of using it”. One of the companions said: “Will Allah ask us about whatever we say?” The Prophet said: “Y...