Anger-Islamic Perspective

Anger is one of those human weaknesses which, most of the time, causes many different troubles.It creates numerous social problems. Most of the crimes are committed when a person is in a state of rage and loses his mental control. It also causes many physical problems. It is one of the important reasons of high blood-pressure, hypertension, loss of facial beauty and other related diseases. The Prophet (saw) himself was a soft person and he has taught humanity to control their anger as much as possible.

The most difficult task for an individual is to control his inner-self (nafs). The Prophet (saw) says: “The real wrestler and fighter is not the one who defeats his opponent in fight but the one who controls himself at the time of anger” (Al Bukhari and Al Muslim). Once a man asked the Prophet (saw) to advice him something. The Prophet said: “Make it a habit to control your anger”. This man asked to advice something else but the Prophet repeated the same sentence (Bukhari). It is possible that the prophet knew about the habit of this man getting angry.

One of the methods of teaching religion is that the teacher should control his temperament. The Prophet (saw) says: “Teach people religion, provide them religious education and make education easy and interesting. When you feel anger, then you should keep quiet”. He repeated the last sentence three times (Musnad e Ahmed and Tibrani).

Some methods of controlling anger are suggested by Isalm. The Prophet (saw) says: “Anger is from the influence of Satan (getting out of control in anger). The origin of Satan is fire and fire is put off through water, therefore whenever you feel anger, perform ablution (wuzu) (Abu Dawood). Another method taught by the Prophet is that when one feels anger, he should sit down if he is standing or if he still feels anger, he should lie down (Ahmed, Tirmizi).

The Prophet (saw) has also given good news of paradise to those who control anger. “The one who controls his anger, Allah will stop His anger upon him on the Day of Judgment” (Behaqi). At another place the Prophet (saw) says: “The one who controls his anger and neglects his rage though he has the power to punish his opponent, Allah will present him on the Day of Judgment in front of others and He will give him a chance to choose one of the Hoors of paradise” Tirmizi, Abu Dawood.


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