My Youtube address                      O levels  Islamic Studies by Ahsan Naqvi

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Syllabus Board                                   Edexcel                                CAIE Board

Syllabus Component                      Edexcel Section 2; Part D/  CAIE Q 1; Paper 1; Quran Passages

Main Topic                                          The nature of belief in Allah                                       

Sub-topic                                             Sura Al Ikhlas     Sura 112



Say, “He is Allah, [who is] One,

Allah the Eternal Reguge.

He neither begets nor is born,

Nor is there to Him any equivalent.”                       (Edexcel syllabus translation)


1 Say: He is Allah, the one and only;

2. Allah, the eternal, absolute;

3. He does not beget, nor is He begotten;

4. And there is none like Him.                                     (CAIE Translation)




·         The Sura is said to be one third 1/3rd of the Quran because there are three basic beliefs: Tauheed, Akhirah and Prophethood. Since it deals with Tauheed it is one third of Quran.

·         It is also the second shortest Sura of the Quran

·         The Sura was revealed in Makkah but it was repeated in Madina too.

·         Generally Muslims recite this Sura frequently in prayers.

·         It was revealed in a background. Religions have their concepts of their gods. Their gods have sons, daughters and other relatives. Therefore people of different religions used to ask the Prophet or the Muslims about the nature of Allah. In response the Sura was revealed.

·         The Sura starts with the word “Qul” which means say. The prophet is instructed to recite this Surah in response. Muslims are also instructed the same

·         Allah was not a new or strange name for Arabs. It was the same Allah they recognized. Allah is “Ahad” which means one and only. He is not only one in number but He is unique.

     “And your Allah is one Allah, there is no god but He, the most Gracious, Most Merciful.” Al Baqarah 163

·         Allah is “Samad”. Samad has many meanings in Arabic but generally it is used for something absolute, powerful and someone who gives protection.

·          All religions have concepts that gods have relatives. Christian believes jesus is the son of God, Some Jews believe Azra is the son of God, Arabs believed angels were the daughters of God and similarly all religions have their own concepts. Islam believes firmly that Allah is all alone. He was not begotten (given birth) by any one. Allah has no spouse therefore He has no sons or daughters.

“Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him, but he forgives anything else to whom He  pleases.” Al Nisa 48

·         Allah is unique. He is Ahad which means there is no comparison of Allah with anyone. There is noone like Him.

·         Allah is beyond all human weaknesses



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