Q         Outline the Muslim teaching about the belief in the oneness of God (Tawhid).
Q         What do Muslims mean when they say: “There is no god but God” [9-J-96]      
To believe that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad (saw) is His Apostle is an integral part of Muslim faith. A true Muslim submits his life only to Allah. He follows the way of God and avoids everything forbidden by God. He believes in Allah and all of His attributes. These attributes are very well presented in Ayat ul Kursi and Sura Al Ikhlaas.
Ayatul Kursi gives the following attributes of Allah:

He is alive, eternal and self-subsisting, active, Lord of everything, accepts interceding, has the knowledge of past and the future, giver of knowledge and the possessor of all powers. Sura Al Ikhlaas says that Allah is One and Unique, Absolute, having no children or parents and no one is like Him.


  1. yaar, tysm for all of this , i appreciate what you have done for us.


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