Q       Give an account of the Prophet’s first experience of receiving revelation.                               
Q       Give a brief description of Muhammad’s call to be Prophet.       [8-J-99]
Q       Give a brief description of the Prophet's experiences in caves.   [12-N-07][10-J-10]  
         (On the experience of the cave of Saur, see migration to Madina)
Paragraph 1: 
     Age 40/ wanted to reform society/ never liked idol worshiping/ take his food to Hira and stay/ dreams would come true
Paragraph 2
    610 AD/ Cave of Hira/ Jibraeel (as) in human form/ asked him to read/ Prophet (saw) said he cannot read/ Squeezed him/ same answer/ three times repeated/ recited Al Alaq first five Ayaat:

Read! In the name of your Lord who created,
Created man out of a clot of congealed blood:
Proclaim! And your Lord is most bountiful,
He who taught by the pen
Taught man what he did not know.  

Paragraph 3    
came back/ saw Jibraeel on horizon, a big figure/ asked wife to wrap him in blanket/   
pacified by Khadija (ra) 

Paragraph 4
Taken to Warqa Ibn Naufal, close relative and Christian scholar/ Warqa predicted  
1: He is a Prophet (same angel who used to come to other prophets)
2: He will be persecuted (your people will expel you)
3: He will migrate               


  1. Thanks alot u helped me amazingly

  2. best website ever it helped a lot but it would have been better if descriptions were along
    by the way thank you so much!!!!!!!!


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