Q      Outline the most important features of the Quran teachings about
Prophet-hood.                           [4-N-03][4-N-05][4-J-04]
Q      What are the main features of the belief in the line of messengers
(Rusul) who were sent before the time of the Prophet Mohammad (saw)?                                        
Q      Write about Muslim belief in prophets.                       [10-J-09]

Ø  Chosen people
Ø  Human beings
Ø  Sent to particular nations
Ø  Best families
Ø  Best characters
Ø  First prophet Adam (as)
“And behold, We said to the angels: “Bow down to Adam”. And they bowed down.                                     
                                                           [34-Al Baqarah]
Ø  124000 prophets
Ø  Names of prominent prophets
        “For We send our messengers only to give good news to the righteous people and to warn the evil  
         doers”   [Al Anaam 48]
Ø  Ibrahim (as) was given Scriptures
Ø  Musa (as) Tauraat or Tora
Ø  Dawood (as) Zuboor or Psalm
Ø  Essa (as) Injeel or Gospal
Ø  Quran mentions 26 names
Ø  Common message of Tauheed, Day of Judgment and prophet-hood
Ø  Worships and social laws different
Ø  All prophets equal in respect
         “And they say: we do not discriminate against any of His messengers”.[Al Baqarah 285]


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