To help students of O level Islamic studies getting good grades. This page is help ful to CAIE and Edexcel students.
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How happy is the one whom God reproves; therefore do not despise the discipline of the Almighty. For he wounds, but he binds up; he strikes, but his hands heal.(unknown)
The Revelation of Quran to the Prophet (saw) between 610-632 Q Write an account of the ways in which the Quran was revealed to the Prophet (saw) between the years 610 and 632. [10-N-09] In 610, the holy prophet (saw) was forty years old when the first revelation of Sura Al Alaq was brought to him by Jibreel (as) in the cave of Hira. Soon, he started receiving more revelations. For the first three years he preached those who were close to him. Khadija (ra), ten blessed companions and some other companions became Muslim during this time. After three years, he was commanded to preach openly. The pagans of Makkah opposed him. This continued for ten years and in 622 he migrated to Madina. ...
Events of Badr, Uhud and Ahzaab Q Give descriptions of the main events of the battles of Badr and Uhad. [12- N-03][12-J-06] Q Describe the events of two of the battles fought by the Prophet (saw) while he was leader of the community at Madina. [10-J-09] Q Write an account of the battle of Badr. [10-N-13-2058/12] Battle of Badr took place in 624, the 2 nd year of Hijra. The immediate reason was the caravan of Abu Sufyan which was coming back from Syria. Quresh thought the Muslims were going to attack the Caravan. The Quresh were expecting this attack due to the background events which were taking plac...
Life in Makkah-570-622 AD - his early life Q Write about the life of the Prophet (saw) up until the first Revelation. [10-J-10] Q Give an account of the Prophet’s life up to the time the revelations began. [10-Nov 14-2058/11] Mohammad (saw) was born in 571 AD in Makkah in the family of Banu Hashim of the tribe of Quresh. This year was also known as the year of elephants because in this year the king of Yemen, Abraha, attacked Makkah with the intention to destroy the holy Kaaba along with an army of elephants. He failed because Allah sent small birds with stones in their feet and beaks which destroyed the army. It was a very historic event in the history of Arabs. Quran reminds this event in Sura Al Feel (elephants). His father’s name was Abdullah and his mother was Amina. His grand-father was Abdul Muttalib who was a highly respected person of makkah. He had ten sons. Abdu...
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